But Rose remains upbeat.

So do I, and soon we’ve connected with several familiar faces in the Credit Express lounge.

Rose introduces me to Muriel, a sweet older woman waiting to fly out to see her grandbabies in Michigan. She, in turn, introduces us to Hester, the owner of the dildo suitcase, who assures Rose the sex toys are paraben free and even offers to give her one to take with her as a memory of our crazy airport Christmas.

“Thank you,” Rose says, blushing as she cuts a quick glance my way. “But I’m good. I’m not a…props kind of girl.”

Hester nods as she finishes chewing a giant bite of the fried chicken and waffle dish the lounge chef made as a special holiday treat. “I hear you, but if you change your mind, you have my card.” She turns, pointing her fork toward Chuck, aka Alligator Man, who has been allowed back into the lounge as long as he promised to keep Gavin in his new carrier. “You want one? You said you were between boyfriends, right? Could be a fun time.”

Chuck shrugs and offers her a slightly loopy smile. He’s been hitting the spiked cider already and is clearly feeling no pain. “Sure. Why not? But you’d better wait to give it to me until later. Looks like my new friend, Missy, is headed over for some Green Puppy love.”

I arch a brow at Rose.

“Gavin,” Rose explains. “Missy calls him ‘green puppy.’ It’s adorable. You’re going to love her. She has no fear.”

She’s right. I do love little Missy, who is so sweet and gentle with Gavin, I swear she has him purring in just a few minutes.

“Is he…purring?” her mother asks with a laugh, echoing my thoughts.

“Sure is,” Chuck says. “I tried to tell everyone last night—Gavin’s a lover not a biter. He just likes to explore. And who can blame him? If I were a baby gator, I’d want to climb up in a Christmas tree, see what all that shiny stuff is about.”

“Shiny,” Missy echoes, pointing at Gavin’s neck, where a thick gold necklace with a sparkling diamond “G” hangs this morning.

“Yeah, that’s his Christmas morning bling,” Chuck says, reaching into his shoulder bag and pulling out another gold necklace. “Gotta have some bling. I got you one, too, buddy. Just in case I saw you today, so you and Gavin could match.”

Coos of approval rise from the gathered company and Missy’s expression is a mixture of awe and joy as her mother slides the necklace over her head. “Thank you,” she says to Chuck. “You made this crazy experience really special.”

“My pleasure,” Chuck says. “We green puppy lovers gotta stick together. And we all need a little something that shines.”

I agree with him. But the only shine I’ll ever need is sitting beside me on a love seat, her hand in mine and her glossy hair spilling over my shoulder as she cuddles close.

“Love you,” I murmur for her ears only.

She looks up, her smile brighter than every Christmas light on the nearby tree. “Love you, too. Want to play poker for pretzel sticks?”

“More than anything,” I say, making her laugh.

Soon, we have a poker game going with our new friends, Missy is cleaning our clocks with winning hand after winning hand, and I’m filled with the certainty that everything is just as it should be. After years of wishing for a Christmas morning just like this, I’m finally right where I belong.

With her.

My Rose.

My favorite.



One year later…

* * *

I’ve never been so excited to see an airport.

Or an airport security line.

Or a man in a tuxedo…

I spill out of the limo with two of my dearest friends to find Bear waiting for me at the curb in his tux, with his three best men behind him and a giant bouquet in hand.

He holds out the bouquet, his eyes shining as he says, “Happy wedding day, baby.”

“Happy wedding day,” I echo as I start laughing and crying at the same time, prompting Cami, my bestie from college, to jump in between Bear and me to dab at my face. Beside us, my cousin Jamie lifts an open bottle of champagne into the air shouting, “Let’s get these beautiful people married, bitches!”

Jamie has only had one glass of champagne, but she’s a lightweight, and insisted she needed a little liquid courage if she was going to lure Bear’s younger brother, Ben, into her web of seduction at the reception.

God, I’m so glad I’ll never have to worry about luring anyone into my web of seduction ever again. The only man I’ll ever want, or need, is standing right in front of me, swiping tears from his cheeks as he gathers me into a one-armed hug that’s still powerful enough to lift my feet off the ground.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers into my ear.