“We have to do this,” I say, lifting into her as she begins to move faster. “I need you like this, Rose. Every day. Always. Fuck, baby, you’re so sweet, so sexy. I want to fuck you for the rest of my life.”

“Yes, God, yes,” she echoes, arching into my touch as I flick her nipple, then roll it between my fingers and thumb. “I’m going to come, Bear. I’m going to come so hard on your cock.”

“Yours,” I agree, the pressure building in my balls confirming I’m not going to set any endurance records this time around. “Come on me, baby. I can’t wait to feel you dripping all over my cock.”

“Dirty talker,” she pants, grinding harder at the end of her next thrust. “I love it. Love it so much. Oh, Bear. Oh my God!”

“Yes, baby, oh fuck, I can feel you. You feel so good,” I rasp, my heart slamming in my chest as she cries out my name and her pussy clamps down around me in waves. I grip her hips, pinning her tight to me, burying myself to the hilt as I lose control, the primal part of me wanting to come as deep inside her as possible.

My orgasm twists through me with almost painful pleasure, making my breath catch in my lungs as I come and come, until my head is full of cotton candy and I’m too weak to do more than grunt when Rose turns her head and drags her tongue up my neck.

“Is that a good grunt or a bad grunt?” she asks, her body still limp against mine.

“Good. Lick me anytime.”

“I was licking your cat tattoo,” she says. “It’s so sexy, I can hardly stand it.”

My lips curve as I wrap an arm around her waist, holding her close. “Yeah? My last girlfriend thought it was weird.”

She pulls back, making my forehead furrow as her breasts leave my chest. “Your last girlfriend was an idiot. No offense.”

“None taken.” I open my eyes to find Rose gazing down at me with a thoughtful expression. “You should be closer,” I say, pointing back to my chest.

She smiles. “Agreed, but I was thinking maybe we should move to the bed. If we were on the bed, we could probably do this from behind, right? Even with the cast?”

As if to insist he can take her from behind right now, my cock twitches inside her.

“Oh.” Rose’s eyes widen and so does her smile. “Was that a yes?”

“A hell yes. Get going, woman. I’m following you.”

Her gaze softens. “You don’t have to, you know. Follow me. We could do weekends together and holidays and stuff. You don’t have to uproot yourself for me if you don’t want to.”

“It would be an honor to uproot myself for you.” I cup her face in my hand. “Wherever you are is where I want to be.”

Her eyes begin to shine. “Want to come to Bad Dog with me tomorrow? And have a hot chocolate party and meet my parents?”

“Yes,” I say without hesitation. “I’ll ship the jerky to the rental house in L.A. for my orphan’s Christmas offering, make my apologies, and promise them I’ll host orphan’s New Year’s Eve next year. We can do it together, wherever we end up.”

She smiles even as a tear slides from the corner of one eye. “That sounds perfect. I’d love to help you host orphan’s New Year’s Eve. We’re really going to do this, aren’t we?”

I swipe the tear from her cheek. “We are. Is that scary?”

She shakes her head, more tears falling as she begins to laugh. “No, I’m just so excited it’s making me cry for some reason. I can’t wait. I can’t wait to share my life with you.”

“Same,” I say, the back of my nose starting to sting. “Now get in the bedroom, Rose. I have plans for you.”

“I’m so glad,” she says, kissing my cheek before shifting off my cock and grabbing the towel from beside me. She wipes the evidence of how much I enjoy her body from both thighs, her cheeks flushing. “We made a mess.”

“Want me to put on a condom next time?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, I like the mess. I like everything about being naked with you, Mr. Hanson.”

And I’m going to make you Mrs. Hanson as soon as you’ll let me, I think.

Aloud, I say. “Same, beautiful. You’re my favorite.”

Emotion in her gaze, she reaches a hand toward me. “Let me help you up?”

“Always,” I say, surprised at her strength as she pulls me out of the low couch.

She’s tougher than she looks, a fact I take as another sign that we’re meant to be, and that together, we have the strength to get through just about anything.

That theory is tested the next morning, when we learn the flight to Bad Dog doesn’t leave until almost four in the afternoon, meaning we’ll miss most of Christmas Day with her family.