I moan, cuddling up to him. “Oh, you’re right. I’d fuck you for those cakes alone.”

We both chuckle, but my laugh turns into a whimper when he squeezes my cock. He frees it from my jeans in a few movements he must have perfected over years of hooking up with guys way hotter than me. And yet, it’s me he wants at his side. I’m the one he’s willing to take risks for, and who almost made him cry.

“This is for good,” he whispers, and I grin because it’s neither a question nor a request. He’s just informing me what my future is going to be like.

“Or what? You will hunt me down?” I tease, pressing my dick against him.

Saint’s teeth sink into his lips as he gives my cock a tug firm enough to make my legs weaken in this awkward position. “Is that what you want? For me to track you like an animal and then consume you in the snow?”

My heart pumps faster and my breath quickens when I envision him ripping clothes off me and helping himself to my body. “Fuck… That sounds so hot,” I whisper as I imagine my hot face in the snow. It would be uncomfortable, but I’d have no choice. I’d be sore after, and soaked, but Saint could carry me back home, straight to a hot bath.

“Does it?” Saint asks with a wolfish smile, and the grip he has on my cock gets even tighter as he grinds against my ass, making the car stir. “Perfect prey. I’m going to consume you many, many times.”

I push closer and let out a little moan right next to his ear. “I… yeah. Maybe it’s messed up, but it’s so hot when you’re intense like that. Treat me like you own me and I need to submit.” My cheeks heat up when I voice my dirty thoughts, but I want him to know.

His fingers push into my hair and pull my head back, so he can watch me while he jerks me off. And God, the look on his face, so tense and predatory, makes my balls throb for release.

“You are mine. Forever.”

A flashlight slaps a white beam straight in my face, and I yelp in panic. I’m dazed as a cop bangs on our window, but Saint pulls me closer to preserve my modesty.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Right in front of the station?” The policeman says. “Get out of the car!”

Saint is still holding on to my dick for a few heartbeats, but then he lets me tuck myself in and raises his hands. “Sorry! It just— happened.”

The white beam blinds me again as I open the car door and stumble out into the cold. My knee chooses this moment to erupt with pain. Saint’s helping me, but nothing can reduce the awkwardness of the situation as I recognize the cop’s face. Todd Chaplain. He was a frequent flier at Chuck’s shop.

“Nothing ‘just happens’. Seriously, Rowan? I didn’t even know you’re fucking guys! Way to fucking announce it!”

My face is on fire. “I… yeah, but he’s my first.”

Todd’s eyes go wide. “Why do I need to know that?”

He’s right. I’m so fucking awkward. As if being kidnapped, beaten and drugged wasn’t bad enough for one night, I had to get myself arrested on top of that. To make matters even worse, the lady cop with blemishes on both cheeks, who came over when Saint first broke into my apartment, walks out of the station and rushes our way.

“Everything okay, Todd?” she asks.

“Yes, but turns out we had these lovebirds dogging in front of the building,” he says as Saint follows me out of the vehicle.

“What?” She jogs up to us and cocks her head in recognition. “You’re the home invasion guy!”

I squirm under her gaze. “Yeah, I—”

Todd squints at Saint. “You’re not local.” He once more flashes the light in my face. “What are all those bruises?”

The policewoman shakes her head as her expression turns stern. “We’ve had enough trouble tonight already. Do I need to cuff you, or are you going in on your own?”

Saint steps forward, shaking his head. “I’m so sorry. This has never happened before. You’re right, we should have known better,” he says, finishing on a soft sigh. “And no, we will not run.” With that, he peeks over his shoulder. “You okay?”

Todd rolls his eyes. “Touching. Now lock your car and move it.”

“Your first gays?” the female cop asks, and he scowls, watching Saint lock the vehicle.

I can’t believe this is what I’m getting arrested for.

“I’m not cleaning the other cell for this.” Todd shakes his head at me.

“Just put them in with the other guy,” The female cop says.

It takes a few seconds, but adrenaline buzzes in my skull when I realize who she means.