I slide my fingers into Saint’s, because I don’t think I can do this alone, but there’s nothing wrong in asking for help. “Walk down with me?” I whisper, unable to find my voice, but the moment he squeezes my hand, I know I can overcome my fear. Anything’s possible with him by my side.
People say relying on others is a mistake, but nothing has ever made me feel better than needing him. As he moves down first, pointing the flashlight at the step below my current position, I grab his free hand and descend by those few inches.
The darkness around us might be spinning, but I’m at no risk of falling off this carousel, not as long as he watches over me. With every step, I’m closer to the wheezing at the bottom of the stairs, and it gives me some satisfaction that Brown will suffer a little longer before I get to him. He didn’t offer me pity or help. In fact, I still recall him telling his buddies that I was “as good as dead”. That the fire would finish me off anyway. I owe him nothing.
Saint is such comfort to me, and as we move together, I realize that needing his support doesn’t mean I’m a failure. This is me going against my fears, and by the time we reach the first floor, I can hardly believe I’ve done it.
My heart flutters as I look at Saint, squeezing his fingers in my sweaty hand. He’s given me so much confidence, and I am no longer afraid of the teeth on his mask.
I’m also no longer afraid of Miles fucking Brown.
“Sorry it took so long,” I say, approaching my past tormentor as I pull out the knife. “I’ve been struggling with stairs since someone pushed me down?”
“Fuck you,” Brown chokes out, spitting blood. “I wish I’d made sure you were dead. Fucking psycho! Otto’s gonna get you.”
I smile at those empty threats and pull on Brown’s hair to expose his throat.
Saint sucks in air but stands back, supporting me in silence, watching rather than offering his guidance. The glow of the flashlight reveals the extent of Brown’s injuries. It’s possible he might die from them soon anyway, but my fall had been horrific too, and I’m still here, so I won’t be taking any chances.
“And how would he know who to look for?” Saint asks, making Brown smile despite the blood on his lips and glassy eyes.
“We… you’re the only one… we did together. Otto’s one smart fuck, he will—”
His voice dies when I press my knife to his throat. It’s so sharp even that touch cuts through skin, but I look back at Saint, a bit lost. My heart is beating so fast, I want this so much, but it’s my first kill, and I don’t want to fuck it up.
“Do I… just press, or… pull the blade across?”
Saint kneels next to me, his smile just as encouraging as his touch. “Cutting will do the job more efficiently. It works the same as slicing into a chicken breast.”
Brown mumbles in panic, and his weak writhing gives me an immense power trip. Finally, I get to avenge my family and this piece of trash will no longer haunt me.
I reposition the knife, pushing it under Brown’s jaw, and Saint puts his hand over mine to gently guide it. It’s romantic of him to show me how to do this, in our own fucked up way. But it’s me who presses and pulls the blade across, cutting through skin, arteries and tendons.
Hot blood splashes my gloved hand, and I hear a gurgle as my vision blurs. A part of me doesn’t want to see life dimming in another person’s eyes, but as Saint embraces me from behind, I blink away the haze and stare at my tormentor while his blood soaks into our pants and creates a growing puddle on the floor.
That’s it.
I’ve killed Miles Brown. Right in front of Santa’s Grotto.
I should probably question my sanity, but all I feel is relief. There isn’t even a shred of guilt in me as I sit back against Saint, inhaling the scent of blood with a growing smile.
“Just the way I dreamed. With him knowing it’s me.”
Saint’s lips stretch into a smile under the mask, and he leans in, kissing my lips. “You did so well. I wasn’t sure you were ready, but you’ve exceeded expectations again.”
I pull away only to sit on the first step of the stairs, since it offers a great view of Brown’s broken body and his throat wide open in a silent scream.
“I feel so thoroughly… cleansed. Like another weight has just dropped off my shoulders. Even the hate I felt died with him. Nothing will bring back my family, but knowing those three are already dead, that they suffered a fraction of what I have, gives me so much satisfaction.”