My therapist worked on helping me ‘let go’, on forgiving and moving on. She said revenge doesn’t solve anything, and that it wouldn’t make me feel better. So why does this gruesome news make me slide neck-deep into fragrant water with a sense of relief?

I look at the handsome monster in front of me and find it hard to hate him, even though I resent being lied to and seduced under false pretenses. I’m also aware he’s some sort of psycho and might turn on me at any point, but when I imagine the man who killed my father terrified and begging for his life only to be laughed at and tortured, it feels right.

I float closer to the edge of the tub.

“What’s the catch?” I whisper, my breath going shallow as Saint reaches out and strokes his finger down my neck.

Fuck, he’s gorgeous. Tempting. Charming, too. And while he’s just shown me his deranged side, I still can’t deny that my body reacts to his presence with much more than fear.

Maybe the attack from years ago has fucked me up in more ways than one?

“I want an apprentice. And a partner. And since I know we are a good match, I offer to give you your revenge if you agree to be mine.”

The last word is heavy with implications I’m not sure I understand. It sounds so delicious and tempting coming off his tongue, but I have to remember I’m dealing with a man capable of anything. I shouldn’t be fooled by the pretty packaging. There’s a finality to “mine”, and the cuff on my wrist suggests what that might truly mean.

But I’d make a deal with the Devil for revenge. That is how much I want to see those bastards suffer. “And what would that entail?” I ask, feeling as though I’m sealing my fate already.

Saint takes a deep breath and exhales as his hand drifts down my chest, caressing my pecs, then the muscles of my stomach. It’s an exhilarating moment, but I need to keep my head on straight if I’m not to fall into a trap, so I harden my gaze, settling it on him.

Saint shrugs. “I want to have a man in my bed. But not just any man. Someone who knows what I am and doesn’t run to the cops. I want company. I want someone I can take on jobs and teach my craft. As I said, I want a partner.”

“A partner or a sex slave?” I mumble.

He squints and his long fingers slide back to my neck as he assesses me. “I want a partner who won’t leave.” ‘Whatever I do’ seems to be the rest of that sentence. “I want access to you, be it for a cuddle, or to fuck your brains out.”

A shiver goes down my spine, and I clench my ass even though my dick hardens. How the hell am I getting aroused when there’s a motherfucking head with us in the bathroom?

“And we’ll kill the other three?” I whisper, out of my depth. I’m asking, but it feels as though I’m already agreeing to his dangerous bargain, and he knows it. I can see it in the flush of his skin, in the way he swallows. I shouldn’t find it hot, but he’s offering me something I thought I could never achieve, and on top of that, he desires me so much he wants my body as payment.

“Exactly. And just so we’re clear, there will be no other people and no weird shit. Just normal sex between the two of us,” he says, touching my cock as he dips his hand into the water.

I’m falling into his web, and it won’t be easy to untangle myself.

“And… you won’t break off the deal if it turns out I’m not good at it?” I curl my toes when his thumb brushes the slit at the tip of my cockhead.

Saint’s hand closes on my half-hard dick, and he swirls his finger over its head very slowly as his features sharpen. Dark eyes drill into me as he licks his lips, hyper focused on me as if I were the last man alive. “Are you saying you’re not experienced?”

“Yeah, I… spent a lot of time in hospital, and didn't really have a chance to date.” Am I really explaining the reasons behind my virginity to a murderer? Yes, yes I am.

“You were pretty good so far,” Saint chuckles, pumping my dick. His touch is firm and so intense my skin feels too tight around my body, prompting me to thrust my hips up. “I can teach you everything. And I won’t hurt you. Promise.”

If I were a good person, I wouldn’t be so tempted. But Saint might be right. We might be more alike than anyone could imagine. I want this revenge with every cell in my body.