Oh, so this is it. Sweetie’s getting into his own head about our relationship. But I have nothing to hide. Well, at least when it comes to that aspect of my life.

I swallow and stroke his hand in reassurance. “Look, there’s a lot of gay men in New York City, but you know what happens at a buffet? People can’t pick just one thing. They’ve already overeaten, but they’re still coming back for seconds. I don’t want that. I want something real. Someone who wants to invest their time into me only.”

I take a sip of water. It’s not often that I bare my soul like this, but here we go. Those are special circumstances. He is special.

And one day, hopefully sooner rather than later, I’ll make his Christmas wish come true. He won’t have to fear his revenge plan going wrong, or being caught by the cops. I’ll show him how to clean the scene, and which poisons are least likely to be recognized with standard lab tests.

And since he’s here, in my apartment, maybe I can show him my bedroom after dessert? He didn’t have any hangups about sex last night, so why wait?

“And you chose me off the menu?” Rowan asks, meeting my gaze. He’s searching for something, but I don’t know what exactly. Reassurance?

I smile, and the truth about the beginning of our relationship scratches the back of my throat, begging to be told, but it’s too early. Rowan isn’t ready for it yet. So I offer him another half-truth. “I wanted to talk to you because you’re hot. But then we clicked, and… I don’t know, when something feels right, I believe in following my heart. And what’s on your mind?”

He looks so troubled I’m itching to kiss away his worries.

Or maybe that’s just my need to have him under me talking.

“I… I think this was a bad idea. Not you,” he adds. “You’ve been great, and I want to keep seeing you. I just don’t think I was ready to come to your place.”

It’s hard to hide my disappointment when Rowan gets up.

“Oh, would you like to eat at yours? Or in the hallway?” I ask, getting to my feet too.

“No, but thank you. Sorry, I think I need to be alone for a bit,” he says and walks toward the door. I might be a bit disgruntled to see him leave, but I’m happy that he’s limping a bit less today. “Maybe we can have the cake later, if you can hold off eating it all.” He’s joking, but when he smiles, his lips are stiff.

Either I’m missing something or being in my place really proved too much for him. In any case, it’s time to throw in the towel. I raise my hands and follow him to the open door, because there’s nothing to gain from pressuring him. “All right. Can we maybe go for a walk later, if you feel better? I was thinking about getting hot chocolate at that Sweet Heaven place.”

He nods and I kiss the sweet lips that gave me so much pleasure last night. Unable to help myself, I stroke his side, prolonging the connection, but I have to let go eventually.

I admire the shape of his legs and ass as he enters his home, but he’s gone from view much sooner than I would have liked. Oh well, I’ll be seeing him later. My uncle always called me impatient, and I’m starting to see his point.

I come back to the table to finish my lunch, but as I have my first bite, I notice the knife on the other side of the table is gone.

Did he… steal my knife?


I rise, about to knock on his door, but what is the point? I can always ask for it later. Still, feeling overheated and somewhat annoyed by the way he baited me into a date only to leave, I rush to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. It feels soothing, and I enjoy the sensation of cold droplets rolling down my neck as I lean against the sink, gathering my thoughts. But when I open my eyes and spot the balaclava on the drying rack, they scatter in a violent swarm.

“Fuck…” I utter, heating up all over again.

I hardly could have expected him to gather the courage to come into my apartment so soon and didn’t bother hiding anything. What a fucking blunder.

He might have not noticed the mask though. It’s just a black piece of fabric among black socks.

Then again, not only did his demeanor change after the bathroom visit, but he went as far as stealing my knife. He might have done that expecting me to attack. As if I would ever hurt him.

I take a deep breath and walk to the door.

This can be salvaged.