I could hardly believe it when he shot at me through the door. The excitement of finding out he had the guts to do that was a close second to seeing him naked. So much passion lay dormant in that compact body raked with scars, and I now long to unearth it all. So. Damn. Much.

I won’t let his initial reaction discourage me, because it’s not like I have anything planned for the rest of the month. So I’ve decided to take my time. Stalk him as if he’s the juiciest deer in the herd and I’m just waiting for him to reach his peak before I sink my teeth into his flesh. After all, he longs for the closure of seeing his family’s tormentors die, and he would take the bait if I go about it right this time. Once he knows what I can offer him, he will step into my snares out of his own free will.

That was the extent of my plan until yesterday. When I first arrived at his place, all I wanted was a companion, someone who might understand me, maybe even a future apprentice, if I played my cards right. But then the elderly neighbor dropped the bomb of him being gay, and I haven’t been able to think of anything else since. He can become more than just a work buddy. If Rowan is gay, he can become my lover. A lover I don’t have to hide my true self from, and who doesn’t need to be left behind whenever work dries out or the heat intensifies. I’ve never had anything like it. And so, with the offhand comment of a gray-haired lady, the stakes of the game became sky-high.

Because now I’m determined to make him mine, and I will grant him the kind of revenge he’s never even dreamed of. But my prey is skittish and needs to become acquainted with me first. By the time we develop enough trust for me to reveal my true self, he will be ready to accept me as I am.

He doesn’t need to know that he’s mine already.

I managed to (literally) sweep him off his feet earlier, and the air between us sizzled as if his body were a volcano. Maybe I pushed a bit too hard by inviting him over, since that’s trapping him rather than hunting him down, but nobody’s perfect.

It’s just so hard to contain myself when he’s at my fingertips. His gaze burns with a thirst for blood that matches mine, cruel fantasies lurk behind the deep dark eyes, and I just want to let him know he can tell me everything. That I’ll understand.

I’m usually good at waiting. In my line of work, a man needs to sometimes stay hidden for hours on end, but he makes me feel an urgency that tingles in my gums and makes me want to close my fingers around his neck. Gently. But firmly, so he knows who he belongs to.

I wish to stand closer to him again, inhale the minty scent he carried on him this morning. Does he like biting? Being grabbed and fucked? He does seem to be on the shy side, but that only thrills me more.

I want to see his black hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he spreads his legs, begging for my dick. Or would he be shy and unsure about it? I can go either way as long as he’s under me, gasping and moaning—


Getting ahead of myself again.

First, I need to squeeze a date out of him.

I like that he’s made it a chase, forcing me to work for it. Hunting him down will make devouring him all the more delicious. A proper gourmet meal.

My back is covered in goosebumps as I see him wave at someone, then walk away from the counter at closing time. I toss a bill onto my table, put on my thick woolen turtleneck and the elegant coat that doesn’t keep me adequately warm without layering, and walk out into the frosty air. My head spins as I watch Rowan’s boss flip the sign on the front door of the store to Closed, and I dash across the street, heating up from the excitement of this hunt.

Will he smile once he sees me? Or will he be flustered, like when I approached him earlier? Maybe he already has a secret lover his neighbor doesn’t know about? He could have flirted with me for fun.

The very idea that there could be someone else makes me want to take a knife to the throat of this shadow man. But there’s no need for drastic measures. I’ll take this slow. If there is someone, I’ll make sure to show Rowan that I’m better, and only take out the other guy if need be.