“Damn, Noelle.” He pulls back. His lips are tinged with my lipstick. The color-stay brand absolutely lied.

“Crap, you’re wearing my lipstick.” My hand goes up to wipe away the smudge, but it only worsens.

“Come on, we’ll go to the restroom, make ourselves more presentable before we grab a drink.” His eyes are hooded, and his breath whooshes out in a way that tells me he’s as hot and bothered as I am.

“Okay.” My voice is hoarse. The lace of my bra abrades my nipples, amplifying the desire, and my panties I’m totally going to have to take off once I’m in the restroom. Then again, taking them off won’t do me any favors since I’ll be next to Easton all night. It’s been maybe an hour since we’ve met, and I’ve yet to get my hormones under control. I’m beginning to realize that it’s a permanent state whenever he’s nearby.

“Fuck, one kiss isn’t going to be enough.” He licks his lips, leaving them glistening. Yep, I’m totally screwed. My thoughts go haywire, the swirling in my head as I wonder what Easton would look like after using his mouth on me. I’d bet my wetness would coat more than his lips. The way I’m dripping wet, I’d be on his cheeks and chin.

“Nope, not at all. More, please?” Gone is the mortification of my family. In its place is a desire for Easton. There’s one thing I’ll never feel bad about, and that’s my sexuality.

“Soon, Noelle, soon. There’s no time stamp on our night.” Clearly, he’s not as worked up as I am, given the chance I’d climb up his firm muscular body and beg him to take me in this crowded room of people.

“Fine, but after we clean up, I’m going to need a drink.”

“We’ll get you a drink, sweetheart.” He dips his head again, this time closer to my ear, and says, “Next time I take your mouth, you’ll be riding my fingers and moaning my name.”

My God, this man. Easton’s hand takes mine. His other goes to my lower back, where he’s had it placed the entire night so far, acting as if he didn’t just drop a bomb and rock my entire world.

Chapter 8


After escorting Noelle to the ladies’ room, I head to the men’s. I don’t mind having her lipstick on me, but not here, or at least not under her mom’s watchful eyes.

“Yeah, I’m here. Gonna shoot my shot with Noelle. She was easy back then. Bet she’ll be easy now.” This isn’t what I expected to walk in on. I almost leave, but something inside me tells me to stay.

“You sure about that, Alejandro? Noelle walked in with Easton Bosa. You aren’t getting near her. The man hasn’t been seen with a woman publicly. He’s making a statement.” You got that fucking right. This Alejandro guy is a damn idiot. He’s not even trying to hide his bullshit. He’s talking loudly, the volume on his phone is all the way up, and he is clearly on speaker.

“Fuck yeah, I’m tapping that ass. I’m finally free from the divorce, and I’m looking to fuck.” Now I’ve got to contemplate what I’m going to do about this moron thinking he’s going to get Noelle beneath him. I’ll be fucking damned. Do I beat some sense into him with my fists, or do I let him know the only guy taking care of Noelle in any way is going to be me?

I shake my head and move toward the sink. Maybe I’ll introduce myself and let him make a fool out of himself. Sometimes playing mind games fucks with a guy better than using your fists.

“Yeah right. Antonio knows everything. He knew about this in your past, and he damn sure knows the reason for your divorce. And it wasn’t because your wife didn’t want kids. She left you because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants.”

“Fuck off. Noelle is still hot, and what’s the harm in trying?” Alejandro follows up.

“Your funeral. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The cocksucker is pacing back and forth while he talks about Noelle. Too bad for him I’m the one wearing her lipstick. I grab a paper towel, turn the faucet on, wet it down, and proceed to wipe the remnants of her off my face. The lipstick isn’t too bad, but if we head to the table where I’m sure we’ll be seated with her parents, well, it wouldn’t be a good look.

“Yeah, whatever.” Alejandro hangs up. About damn time. His voice is grating on my nerves like nails on a damn chalkboard. I look him up and down in the mirror. He’s too busy looking down at his phone. If this guy is around the same age as Noelle, time is not doing him any favors.

I’m done with my task, and I need to get back to Noelle. I have an inkling she’s going to need protection with the way her family was talking, and especially from this dumb fuck. I look up in the mirror one more time and meet Alejandro’s gaze. He nods, but I’m damn sure not returning the favor. I’m out in the hallway in a few short steps.