Noelle turns toward me. My hand slides from her lower back to her hip. The other takes Noelle’s hand and brings it to my mouth. There’s music playing softly in the background.

“Easton.” My lips press a kiss against her knuckles. She closes her eyes. Fuck, am I going to love taking her mouth for the first time.

“Come on, Noelle, I do believe we’re about to be bombarded by a certain curly-haired tiny little human.” I can see over her shoulder what I assume is Isabella. She’s in a ruffly red and white dress. Her hands are up in the air, and she’s saying something that I can’t quite hear.

“Isa!” Noelle’s eyes light up as the lust on her face morphs to happiness. I get to watch as she spins around, drops to a squatting position, and holds her arms open for Isabella. All while I’m lusting over a woman I’ve just met, thinking about all of the things I want do to her. Tonight. Mark my words.

Chapter 7


“Holy shit, Noelle, how did you bag Easton Bosa?” I look from my brother to Easton, confused about what he’s talking about. In my arms is Isa. She’s playing with a piece of my hair, twirling it with her fingers. Gabriella comes up beside me, looking at me like what the hell is wrong with her husband.

“He’s my date. Antonio, this is Easton. Easton, this is Antonio.” Easton’s hand leaves my lower back. The tips of his fingers light my skin on fire. He has absolutely no idea the effect he has on my body. I’m burning inside, a blazing inferno. My panties, those are toast. They’re completely soaked, and there’s no salvaging them.

“Forgive my sister. She doesn’t know anything about football.” Well, duh, it’s just a sport with balls being tossed back and forth.

“She told me,” Easton rolls with it.

“I’m Gabriella, this one’s wife.” She hooks her thumb toward my brother, who’s in some kind of bromance stupor.

“Easton. It’s nice to meet you. Your daughter is beautiful.” They all shake hands while Antonio opens and closes his mouth.

“Noelle, I can’t even with you. He’s the team manager for the Sharks, you know, the football team. God, how do you come over every Sunday and not know these things?” Antonio is always exasperated when it comes to his beloved sports.

“Because they’re boring to me. What? Don’t look at me like I’ve got two heads. You enjoy it, and just because it’s Easton’s job doesn’t mean I have to love the sport.” Which, by the way, I’m confused. Is this Dates for Hire gig a side hustle? If he’s a team manager, surely, he makes enough money.

“Come on, we have to get Isa fed before the monster comes out. You can have your time with Noelle’s date later.” Gabriella opens her arms for Isabella, who leaves easily, damn it. I wanted to hold my niece a bit longer. So what if Gabriella is being a lifesaver? It’s not every day she likes to snuggle like this.

“We’ll sit by you at dinner. I’d love to hear your take on a few things,” Antonio interjects. I roll my eyes, look at Easton, and mouth, I’m sorry. He shrugs his shoulder, tilts his lips at me, and acts like it’s no big deal that my brother is acting like a lovesick fool. I wait until they’re out of earshot, kind of embarrassed by my family. Mamá acting the way she did, almost like I’m Isabella’s age. Papá with the drinking bit and not wanting to think about his grown daughter in a hotel room with a man. And Antonio, who honestly, was the lesser of the two evils but is nonetheless a weirdo, too.

“So, that’s your family,” Easton breaks the tension. I look everywhere but at him. My head dips down, shielding my eyes from his. I nod my response. For whatever reason, he doesn’t like that. “Noelle, sweetheart. Look at me.” I take a deep breath to steady myself for what could be further embarrassment.

“Hi.” He cups my cheek, lifting it until we’re looking at one another. So much for hiding behind the curtain of long dark waves. There’s no way I can deny him this when he’s holding my face up.

“Hey, you good?” he asks.

“Shouldn’t I be asking that?” I follow up his question with a question.

“Sweetheart, I deal with football players, their families, and a shit ton of other people who are ten times worse than your mother, father, and brother.” I nod. My mouth is suddenly dry. Probably because of the way he’s looking at me. The man can smolder like no other. He can also make me forget where we are. He dips his head, his mouth presses lightly against mine, and I get lost. My mind shuts down as my hands skate up his arms, feeling his muscles tighten beneath my fingers. Easton’s tongue licks at my lower lip, yet he doesn’t deepen the kiss, and man, does that suck.