“No matter what that test says,” I told her quietly, “I will not go anywhere, Cecily. You’re mine. I put a ring on your finger and made a promise to you. Take the test, and we’ll figure everything out from there.”

“We use condoms—” she rasped, fear clear in her voice.

I gently squeezed her fingers, her diamond ring digging into my palm. “Condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective, Cecily. And birth control is bad for you, so don’t even go there in your head. Just go take the test, and then come cuddle with me while we wait on the results, okay?”

She nodded her head and slowly stood to her feet, going to the hallway bathroom. I paced the living room, waiting for her to emerge. A minute later, she did, and I instantly folded her into my arms.

“How long?” I asked her.

“Three minutes,” she whispered.

I set a timer on my phone and watched the time slowly tick down as I gently rocked her side to side. Finally, it went off, and I disentangled myself from her. “Want to go look, or do you want me to?”

She shook her head and rolled her lips into her mouth. I pressed my lips to her cheek and headed into the bathroom to look at the pregnancy test.


I blew out a soft breath and stepped out of the bathroom with the test in my hand. I offered her a small smile. I wasn’t scared, but I knew she would be. This was just a step I’d planned to take with her. Sure, I’d wanted it after we were married, but shit happened. I would just take it in stride.

“You’re pregnant, sweetheart.”

Her chin wobbled. “Adler—”

I shoved the test in my back pocket and drew her into my arms. “I’m here, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.” Cupping her face in my hands, I tenderly pressed my lips to hers. “We’re going to be parents, Cecily. You’re going to be an amazing mom, and I’m going to be a dad.”

A tear slid down her cheek. “You’re not upset?” she asked, her voice thick with tears.

I kissed her tear away before it could make it to her jaw. “No, sweetheart, I’m not. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in life, and I want this baby just as much. I promise.”

She wrapped her arms around my midsection, sinking into me. I rested my chin on the top of her head. “I’m going to be a mess,” she warned me, but she didn’t sound so upset anymore. I relaxed a little, squeezing her to me.

I chuckled. “You’ll be a beautiful one, sweetheart.”



Cecily waddled out of the house, her hand resting on her swollen belly. She was due any day now, and while I knew she just wanted to stay inside, the guys had worked hard to throw her this baby shower. She hadn’t wanted one at all, but they weren’t being deterred. And then when Chelsea got wind of it, there was no stopping it from happening.

“I just want to nap,” Cecily grumbled when I grabbed her hands in mine, making sure she didn’t fall down the steps. I was extremely protective of her now, but Cecily was reveling in it. I barely let her lift a finger anymore, and Chelsea had put her foot down too, forcing Cecily to go on maternity leave for a few weeks, at the very least starting last week and until a minimum of two weeks after our baby was born.

“I know, sweetheart. After the baby shower, I’ll put you up in my room in the clubhouse so you can catch some shut eye. How’s that sound?”

She smiled at me. “You’re the best.”

I chuckled and led her to my truck. She missed riding the bike with me, but like hell was I letting her on it when she was so heavily pregnant. I’d take her on a long ride once she was recovered from having our baby. But before then? Out of the question.

I helped her into the truck, and once she was settled, I shut the door and jogged around just as my phone rang. Grumbling under my breath, I answered Beau’s call. “What?” I barked as I slid into the driver’s seat.

“You two coming or what? Elliot is about to drive me nuts.”

I snorted. “He drives all of us nuts. Tell him to cool his horses. We’re leaving now. I’m not rushing Cecily just to please him. She already doesn’t want to do anything in this heat as it is.”

Beau grunted. “She’ll be happy when she gets here.”

I hung up on him, rolling my eyes. That was still to be determined. Cecily and heat already didn’t mix. Add in being pregnant? It could very well be a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Cecily smirked at me. “Elliot?”

I sighed. “Always.”

She laughed. Elliot was always cracking her up. He was probably going to be our kid’s favorite uncle with his goofiness, and knowing him, he’d also probably be the one to spoil him the most.