“What in the hell, Adler?!” she shouted, slapping her palms on my back. It stung, but I didn’t flinch. She was in a foul mood from the heat. I had to get her out of this house before we both snapped.

Depositing her on her bed, I pointed a finger at her. “Fucking stay right there,” I growled.

She glowered at me, but something on my face must have warned her to tread carefully because she kept her mouth shut. I yanked open her top dresser drawer and pulled out a plain black triangle bikini top with matching bottoms and tossed them to her. “Change. We’re going to the creek. We’ve got to get out of this house. We’ll stay at my place tonight, and tomorrow, I will personally call someone and have them come fix the air,” I told her.

She huffed but stood off the bed, stripping out of her sweaty clothes, pulling on the top and bottom. She looked hot as hell in it, but I didn’t say a word. I was on a mission, no matter how sinful my woman looked in that tiny ass bikini.

Tossing her one of my t-shirts, I walked out of the room. “Find a pair of shorts to go on under that, and then put on some sensible riding shoes,” I commanded. “We’re taking the bike.”

I walked out of the room and shoved my feet into my boots before walking out the door. Shortly after, Cecily came out. I was already straddling the bike, the engine rumbling beneath me. Surprising me, she grasped my face in her small, soft hands and pressed her lips to mine. I groaned and gripped her hip with one hand, inching my fingers under her shirt to caress the skin of her hip.

“I’m sorry for being a bitch,” she said against my lips.

I kissed her again—just a quick peck. “And I’m sorry for losing my temper with you, sweetheart. Hop on. Let’s go cool off.”

She quickly straddled the bike and settled on the seat behind me. Once she had her helmet strapped on, I eased my way down the drive. Once we hit the open road, I revved the engine and took off, letting the air cool us both off some.

Cecily squealed when I grabbed her from behind and lifted her up before throwing her a few feet through the air. She hit the water with a loud splash before kicking to the surface, pushing her sopping hair out of her face. She’d lost her hair tie when she hit the water, and her long strands were now plastered to her neck, back, shoulders, and chest.

She swam over to me and splashed me in the face before giggling. I yanked her to me, and she sighed, wrapping her arms and legs around me. As soon as she’d gotten in the water, she’d completely lost her attitude. And now, she was back to being her normal, chipper self.

“Thank you for this,” she said with a smile. “It’s fun.”

I hummed and nuzzled her neck. “Want the fun to last forever?”

She arched a brow at me when I raised my head, looking at her again. “What kind of fun lasts forever, Adler?” she asked, stroking her fingers over my scalp.

I walked my fingers up her spine, and she shivered, pressing closer to me. Her spine was so sensitive, and I loved teasing her.

“The kind that involves an engagement ring, sweetheart.”

Her eyes almost bugged out of her head. She jerked back from me in surprise, but no one could deny the hope that burned in her eyes. Her legs tightened around my hips.

“An engagement ring?” she whispered. I maneuvered my stance a little when minnows began to mess with my feet. I fucking hated that sensation.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” I murmured. “I’ve got one stored in my sock drawer at your house, just waiting to go on your finger. If you say yes, I’ll put it on your finger just as soon as your AC is fixed.”

She pouted at me. “Why not tonight?” The tiny whine in her voice was so fucking cute.

I lightly tickled her side, making her squeal and squirm, her core rubbing against my cock. “Because if I take you back in that house and you start yelling because you can’t handle the heat, I’m going to pin you to the bed and spank your ass until you can’t stand to sit on it.”

She screwed her face up in distaste. One thing I’d learned about Cecily, she wasn’t a fan of impact play, which was perfectly fine for me. I liked doting on her and caring for her, spending my time tenderly loving her. But damn if she couldn’t push my limits sometimes.

“Fine,” she huffed. “But if I agree now without a ring, the one you put on my finger better be stunning,” she teased. I knew she didn’t really care about the value of the ring. She just wanted a symbol of my promise to her. She was sentimental like that. It was one of the many things I loved about her.