“I like wearing your cum, Daddy,” she answered honestly.

Right or wrong, our dynamic worked for us. Like two pieces of a puzzle, we’d come together, and I was more than ready for a lifetime with her. I’d beg, borrow, and steal for every minute if it gave me just that much more to keep loving her.

“I love you, baby girl.”

“I love you, too, Daddy.”

“That’s Santa Daddy for you today.” Her eyes widened.

“Christmas Eve is tomorrow.”

“So?” I shrugged as we both stood.

I reached for the robes I’d brought outside for us and wrapped her up, nice and cozy, helping her into the dry slippers that were waiting for her.

“How about we go inside, and you sit on my lap and show me how good you can be at being bad?” Her lips twitched.

“I thought I just did that, Daddy.”

“Hmm, how about we start like that again and see where we end up?” I offered. Coco trembled, and I scowled.

“You’re cold.” I picked her up like a groom would his bride and carried her into the house. The heater had kicked in, making the cabin nice and toasty. I sat her down on my lap, her legs draped between mine.

“Better?” I asked the moment I pulled a blanket over her. Because warming up Coco was my number one priority.

“Perfect.” She leaned in and kissed me.

“So, tell Santa Daddy your Christmas list.”

“Hmm, I don’t know…”

“Come on, don’t be shy. What do you want for Christmas?”

“Nothing. I have everything I’ve wanted right here and now.” She smiled, and I knew she meant it.

“Hmm, you trying to butter me up, little girl?” I teased, knowing very well she meant every word. I wasn’t being conceited.

No. I understood because it was exactly how I felt.

My entire life, my whole heart and world was sitting on my lap. And fuck me, I didn’t know how life could get any better.



Ikicked the snow off my heavy boots, boots I never thought I would look forward to wearing, but fuck me, a lot had changed in my life.

I’d happily retired early four years after I finally claimed my girl all for myself. Before that, she took time off to study and prepare to take the bar and passed with flying colors. Just like I knew she would. My woman was as brilliant as she was beautiful.

When we returned to Los Angeles, I’d talked her into moving in with me before Valentines Day and had my ring on her finger before the Fourth of July. My brothers worried I was rushing things and getting in over my head. They couldn’t fathom what she meant to me. But the moment they met her and saw us together, they understood it. They got why, after living over four decades without her, I’d do anything to keep her by my side forever.

“Little girl!” I called out and walked into the cabin.

I’d bought it and given her the keys with the deed as an early wedding present when we started to plan our day and she couldn’t seem to like any places our wedding planner suggested. The moment I handed her the keys, I knew by the look in her eyes she had decided. Sure enough, on the first anniversary of when we got together, we got married in the backyard of where we were finally able to let our guard down and take a chance on one another.

Coco and her best friend had opened their own practice, and a little before they started, we got a beautiful surprise. We were expecting. Pregnancy hadn’t been easy, and an emergency C-section had me ready to go and get snipped, but she’d shut that down. She said our daughter needed a brother or sister.

One of each joined our family two years ago.