I created a miniature bunker in the middle of the forest. It’s a sixty-by-sixty-inch hole that fits the metal box with a hatch that I commissioned. To keep it hidden, all I have to do is cover it with dirt.

Tonight, the snow is thick, but I marked the spot. It’s in front of a tall tree that I carved with the initialsEandV,surrounded by a heart. When I did it, it was a joke and less suspicious than using a genericX. But now the joke is on me because I ended up falling for Valerie in the end.

I clear the snow from the top and open my treasure box. A smile blossoms on my lips. I’ve missed my toys. I take out my favorite weapon in the collection, a bowie knife with a serrated blade that cuts through muscle and bone as if they’re butter. It’s a fucking dream.

I set it aside and peruse my assortment of masks. I like variety. I kill to rid the world of monsters, not to become famous. It’s also fun and fulfilling, and that’s all the reward I need.

I’m sure there are still people at Hansen’s house, so I have to take extra precautions to not be recognized. I’ve been dying to don the scary Santa mask I wore once to a Halloween party last year, and tonight, it fits the theme perfectly.

Besides my weapons in the box, I have a change of clothes—all black—and gloves. They’ll be disposed of once I’m done. It’s the perfect night for a bonfire.

I shrug off my coat and put the black attire over my clothes because, one, it’s fucking cold and I don’t want to undress in the middle of the forest, and two, I want to disguise my body type in case there are witnesses. The bulkier I look, the better.

I stab at the air, testing my outfit to make sure it doesn’t hinder my movements. The exercises make my blood pump faster, and a thrill of excitement courses down my back. It’s been too long since my last kill.

Satisfied with my getup, I shove the mask and the knife into my backpack and shut and lock the box. Then I cover the lid again with dirt and snow. I also make sure to erase my footprints up to the tree. This takes a bit of time, but I can’t risk anyone finding my hiding spot.

On the way to Hansen’s house, I put in my AirPods and listen to Christmas songs. When “Deck the Halls” plays, I mouth the words. Nothing gets me jollier than the prospect of slashing a motherfucker to bits. But then I remember why Hansen found himself on my hit list, and my enthusiasm wilts to nothing. I wanted him to do something awful, so I’d have the excuse to end him, but I didn’t want Valerie to be his victim.

I turn off the music. I’m no longer in the mood for it. Five minutes later, I pass by Hansen’s house. As I predicted, there are still people there. That means his parents must still be at the mayor’s party. Mark Warner, Hansen’s father, is a bigshot in town and he never misses those parties. I keep going until I find a good spot to hide my bike and my backpack.

The knife and mask I hide in a jacket pocket during the walk back to Hansen’s party. I keep to the shadows, avoiding the glow of Christmas decorations. Hansen lives in an upscale neighborhood; I don’t want to catch the attention of a nosy neighbor who thinks I’m a burglar.

Animated voices reach my ears. I veer for the back of the house and hide in the bushes surrounding the property. There aren’t too many people left, just two I can see, Bobby and Doug, another guy on the team. Both are completely trashed.

The back door opens, and Hansen walks out, holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a joint in the other. A drunk and a junkie. I sneer. What did Valerie see in this loser?

He can barely walk straight and almost falls on top of Bobby, who’s sitting in a lawn chair.

“Dude, watch where you’re going.” Bobby laughs then snatches the whiskey from Hansen.

Like he needs more alcohol. Dumbass.

“Shut up.”

“Where did Valerie go?” Doug asks.

Hansen takes a hit of his joint, then asks, “Why? Do you wanna fuck that bitch too?”

My nostrils flare, and my hand finds the hilt of my knife. But I’ve been doing this for a while. I know how to control my temper and wait for the perfect moment to strike.

“I wouldn’t pass up that chance. Are you offering?” Doug chuckles.

Keep talking, asshole, I might make tonight a two-for-one special.

Hansen shrugs. “Be my guest. She was a lousy fuck anyway. But I showed her nobody says no to me.”

Bobby and Doug laugh, but I keep my attention on Hansen.

After ten minutes or so, Bobby gets up from his chair and stretches. “Man, I’m gonna crash on your couch if you don’t mind.”


Doug stands too. “Yeah, I’m beat. I gotta sleep.”

“You can both crash here, but no screwing around. If I catch you two losers fucking, I’ll cut your dicks off.”

“Fuck off, Hansen. I’m not a homo,” Doug retorts.