After our shower together, Eric and I go to our respective rooms to get dressed. I’m still tingling all over from the multiple orgasms, but exhaustion is finally creeping in. It’s almost five in the morning, and my bed is calling me.

I’m wrapped in my bathrobe and drying my hair with a towel when Eric comes into my room via the bathroom, wearing only his PJ pants and no shirt. Hell, what is he trying to do to me? I’m quickly forgetting that I’m bone tired.

I arch one eyebrow. “Aren’t you cold?”

“No. Besides, if I do get cold, you’ll keep me warm.” He uncovers part of the bed and slides under the sheet.

“What are you doing?”

Folding his arms behind his head, he smiles. “What does it look like? I’m sleeping here.”

“Are you crazy?” His smile broadens and I know exactly what’s on his mind, so I add, “Never mind. What about our folks?”

He taps the mattress next to him. “Come here and I’ll explain.” I walk over, but before I join him, he says, “Wait. Bathrobe off.”

“Fine.” I let it drop and don’t move for a couple beats, letting Eric take in his fill of me. His eyes miss nothing, and the growing desire I see in them sets fire to my veins. I turn around, showing him my new tat. “Had enough?”

“Of you? Never.” He reaches for my hand and tugs. “Come here.”

I finally join him under the sheet, but instead of making out, Eric pulls me flush against him and wraps an arm around my shoulder. With my head lying on his chest, I can hear the steady sound of his heart beating. It brings me so much comfort that it almost makes me cry. Oh god. What’s happening to me? I didn’t even cry at my mother’s funeral when I was six. That was when I realized how different I was from all the other kids. Now my psychopath boyfriend is making me all mushy.

“Why are you unconcerned about being caught?” I ask.

“Your father also knows about us.”

I tense and lift my head to look at him. “Oh my God. He told you?”

“Yeah, he fessed up when he was dressing my wound.”

My heart is now pounding in my chest. It’s insane that I’m worried about my father’s reaction when it comes to Eric, but I’ve done far worse things than loving my stepbrother.

“And he’s fine with it?”

“He’s getting used to the idea, but my heroic act tonight put me in his good graces.”

I snort. “That’s pretty funny whenIwas the one who saved your ass.”

“He knows you’re a badass, too, kitty cat. You don’t need to be jealous.”

“I appreciate the white lie, but I know my father thinks I’m a porcelain doll. It’s okay. I’d rather fly under his radar.”

Eric kisses my forehead. “Anyway, he doesn’t want toseeus together, but he never said I couldn’t do bad things to you behind closed doors.”

“What about your mom?”

He chuckles. “Get this shit. He asked me to keep it a secret from her.”

“So we’re just going to let them carry the guilt when it’s no longer a secret?”


“That’s evil.” I grin. “I love it.”

“I knew you’d get a kick out of it.”

I rest my cheek against his chest again and run lazy circles over his stomach with my nails. “What are we going to do once Christmas break is over?”

“What do you mean?”