“What is it?”
“The text you sent to your mother. The time frame doesn’t line up with our story.”
Eric seems unbothered by the plot hole. “That’s an easy one to explain. Carol got my phone and sent the text to my mother to prevent her from calling the cops.”
“Oh. I didn’t think of that.”
“I’m an expert at evading the police. That’s why the cops in New York City could never tie me to any of my work.”
She rises on tiptoe and kisses the corner of my lips. “You need to teach me all your tricks.”
“I’d love nothing more… actually, that’s a lie. There are other things that are higher up.”
“Oh yeah? What?”
“Hmm, fucking your tight pussy, watching you kill like a vengeful goddess of death, which also leads to more fucking. So yeah, those two things are higher up.”
His words and his proximity are already turning me on, and I can feel he’s getting there too. Before Eric has me on my back again, I step away from him. “We need to take care of your shirt and then call the police.”
He stares without saying a word, but I can guess he’s considering not doing either of those things yet. His eyes are burning with predatory intensity, and my stomach flutters.
“Eric… don’t get any ideas.” I keep walking backward and closer to the door.
“Do you know what the best part of the hunt is, kitty cat?” His gaze darkens, turning dangerous. He’s watching me now as if I’m prey, sending a thrill of excitement down my spine. Adrenaline spikes in my veins, making me giddy.
“The chase,” I reply, then turn around and take off, knowing he’ll come after me.
He laughs. “You know what’ll happen when I catch you.”
“Ha! You won’t catch me.”
“Wanna bet?” He’s out in the hallway now, and I look over my shoulder. He’s not running as fast as he can. He’s taunting me. I turn around and jog backward instead of running.
“Sure. If you don’t catch me, we tie up our loose ends and call the cops.”
“And if I do?”
“You can do whatever you want with me.”
The blue-tinted night-lights in the hallway give everything an eerie appearance. So when Eric smiles, he looks positively evil. “You’re on.”
“See ya in the cafeteria.” I pivot and sprint away.
I know Eric is fast, and he has the longer-legs advantage. But I wasn’t the star of the track team in high school for nothing. There’s no chance in hell I’ll lose this bet to him, even if a loss will feel like a win.
I turn a corner, and my shoes skid a little on the linoleum, making that annoying squeaky sound. Eric’s footsteps are getting louder, which means he’s getting closer. Hell, even with the gash on his leg, he’s gaining on me. I can’t let that happen.
I turn another corner, and this is the final stretch. I see the double doors to the cafeteria at the end of it. Not slowing down, I push one open and burst through. I’m about to yell victory when Eric’s arms wrap around my body, and he lifts me off the floor.
My heart is beating so fast and loud I can almost hear it. “Too late. I won.”
He puts me down only to spin me around. “I don’t care.” His mouth is on mine before I can offer a retort. I match his passion beat for beat, not caring that we have shit to do. Being possessed by him is my priority. When did I become so addicted to this man?
Sirens in the distance break through our haze of lust. Eric pulls back, his expression now serious as a sense of urgency drops on us.
“Shirt,” we say in unison. We need to get rid of it.