“Where’s your phone?”
“In my purse… which is still at the mayor’s house.”
Hell, that’s not ideal, but I can’t let Valerie notice that I’m concerned. “Let’s take care of your new tat and worry about your purse later.”
“We probably should clean your wound as well.”
I forgot about that, too distracted fucking Valerie into oblivion. “Yeah, good idea.”
“I think I know where the antiseptic could be. Call your mother before she sends the cops looking for us, thinking we’re missing.”
I’ve never been in such a messy situation before. We left way too much evidence behind. I’ve never feared getting caught because I’ve always planned my kills carefully. This is new territory for me, and it’s making me edgy in an unpleasant way.
“I’ll text her.”
“What are you going to say?”
“That I went out to grab a bite to eat. As for you, you should tell them the truth.”
“What?” Her voice rises.
“Tell them you walked in on Killer Santa murdering Mark Warner and that you chased after him, but he overwhelmed you and took you hostage.”
“That’s insane. They’ll ask me questions for days.”
“You’re probably the only staff missing from the mayor’s house. The police already know that. Trust me, the closer you stick to the truth, the more believable you’ll sound.”
She bites her lower lip, drawing my eyes to her mouth. As tight as my chest feels with worry that our story might not be airtight, my dick is already coming alive again, but we don’t have time for a second round now.
I send a quick text to Mom, telling her I went for a bike ride and that I’m stopping at a fast-food joint to eat something. I’ll have to do that so my story adds up, but first, I need to get rid of my bloodstained clothes and return my tools to the bunker. Valerie is already rummaging through a storage cabinet.
“I thought they kept that cabinet locked.”
“They do, but I figured out the combination years ago, and Mr. Fisk is a creature of habit. He hasn’t changed it.” She turns around, holding a small bottle in her hand. “Got it.”
My phone screen flashes with a message from Mom. I glance at it quickly, which is enough to see her freak-out message in all caps.
“What is it?” Valerie comes closer.
“They’ve already attributed the murders to Killer Santa.”
Her eyes bug out. “How? I killed the only witness.”
“I’m sure it has more to do with the manner in which Mark Warner and that woman were killed. Don’t worry, my identity is safe.”
Or Mom’s message would have been very different.
“Right.” Valerie glances at the bottle in her hand, then looks up again. “Would you mind?”
I rub her cheek. “Sure, kitty cat.”
“Be careful.”
“Of course. I have a vested interest in my name healing well.” I wink at her, which only makes her glare at me.
“I could use a clean piece of cloth or cotton ball to apply the antiseptic.”