My brows shoot to the heavens. “Jesus fuck!”

Valerie pulls my knife free before the woman collapses to the ground, her mouth open in a perpetual silent scream.

“What?” She looks at me.

“I can’t believe you just killed her.”

She stares at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “Why? Are you saying you’re the only one allowed to kill people in this town?”

I get back on my feet, wincing when I put weight on my left leg. Flesh wound or not, it hurts like a mother. “I’m not saying that. It’s just... I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“She was about to scream bloody murder, and she knew you’re Killer Santa.”

My heart beats faster. “Are you saying you killed someone in cold blood to protect me?”

She blinks fast, and when she swallows, it’s audible. “You’re my stepbrother.”

Damn it, Val. Why did you have to ruin the moment and say that?

“We need to get out of here,” she continues. “Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t drive.”

Her eyes bug out. “You walked here?”

“No, I rode my bike.”

She pinches the bridge of her nose. “For fuck’s sake, Eric. You can’t ride your bike now.”

“I know, and whose fault is that?” I arch a brow.

“Fine. I’ll pedal, and you sit pretty in the back. Where’s the bike?”

“I hid it behind a park bench. It isn’t far, but I can’t really run now.”

She steps closer. “I’ll help you.”

“Great.” I extend my arm. “Can I have my knife back, please?”

She looks at the blood coating the blade and wrinkles her nose. “Here, take it.”

“Why the face?”

“Your methods are so messy. That’s why I prefer poison.”

A warm feeling spreads through my chest. Valerie, my feral kitty cat, is as twisted as I am. “That’s how you were going to kill Mark Warner, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. Why did you target him?”

“We’re not having this conversation next to a fresh corpse. Grab your bow and the arrow. We can’t leave those behind.”

“Ugh. Fine.” Valerie picks them up in a huff and then returns to my side. “Lean on me.”

I’ve already shoved the Santa mask and my knife in my jacket pocket, freeing my hands. I toss my arm around her shoulder, and slowly, we move away from Valerie’s kill.

“Can’t you move faster?” she grits out. “It’s fucking cold.”

“I’m going as fast as I can. You could give me a piggyback ride. That’ll make you warm,” I joke.