Page 48 of Prince Un-Charming

As the day continues to move forward at a rapid clip, we each take out a book from our picnic basket. I rest my head on her lap while she gently runs her fingers through my hair. Her absentminded caress sends tingles down my spine.

We fall into a comfortable silence, broken only by the rustle of pages and the occasional sharing of a particularly poignant passage or interesting quote.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife," Vivienne reads aloud, a teasing lilt to her voice as she looks down at me. I chuckle, recognizing the quote and the implication it brings with it.

The natural rhythm of the interaction paints a picture of a well-worn habit, like that of an old married couple, despite being a young one. Everything we do feels as if it is a part of our daily routine. It's a comforting glimpse into a future that I hadn't even considered before meeting her.

A future where we don't have to play pretend for the benefit of anyone.

As the sun makes its descent, we reluctantly pack our things, leaving the tranquility of the park behind. We return home and offer to cook for the family. Vivienne suggests a barbeque, another way to spend more time outside together.

With a spatula in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other, I man the grill. The sizzle of the meat fills the air with a mouthwatering aroma. Vivienne, far more experienced in these matters, tries to guide me through the art of grilling.

I find myself continuously distracted, captivated by the tender look in her eyes, the gentle curve of her lips, and the sound of her laughter echoing in the warm evening air.

I can't keep myself from diverting my attention away from the ribs and sneaking another kiss on her cheek. Or running my hand up her back while she's speaking, making her shiver and forget the instruction she's trying to give.

With a teasing tone, she pushes me away from the grill. "As my daddy would say, there's no need for romance when the charcoal's already lit. You handle the plates, I'll handle the cooking. Although I’m still not feeling one-hundred percent."

I set the plates, and Vivienne brings over a perfectly cooked meal. As we sit down to eat with her family, the sun begins to set. Our perfect day together is coming to an end.

I imagine the sun setting in Solvaria. Despite the warm breeze, the thought chills me to the bone. I want to stay in the cozy embrace of her family, not have her run through the gauntlet of pomp and tradition she’ll be forced to endure as a new member of the royal family.



There will come a day when all this has to end. I dread it. I don’t even want to think about it, but it’s a thought that festers in the back of my mind. Anxiety grips me in my stomach, souring my appetite.

Caesar lifts up his gaze. “What’s wrong? You’ve hardly touched your food.”

The chicken parmesan stares up at me enticingly, practically beckoning me to pick up my fork and start digging in. Even still, I sigh and shake my head in the romantic Italian restaurant.

“Not feeling very hungry right now, that’s all. You know I haven’t been feeling my best lately.”

We’re supposed to be enjoying this outing together, but knowing how many changes are coming, I just can’t bring myself to smile like I normally would.

The dim lights heighten the ambience. Multiple couples sit throughout this quaint little restaurant, ordering wine bottles and sharing easygoing conversations. While I’d like to imagine Caesar and I are just another couple enjoying a simple dinner together, I can’t do it.

When we go back to Solvaria and things return to normal… Who am I kidding? Things will never return to normal between me and Caesar. We’ve been here for three weeks, and we keep extending our stay. It feels like home here. I can tell he feels that way, too.

I wonder if he’s missing his duties at all. At this point, I think he would rather stay here forever.

Caesar raises a brow, picking at his food with less enthusiasm than before. He tilts his head, staring at me with those beautiful eyes that have captured my heart.

“There’s something on your mind, I can tell.”

“We have to go back to work soon,” I say slowly. “We can’t hide out in Sandyville forever.” I offer a hesitant smile, despite the disappointment that must be evident in my tone.

“Don’t worry about that. We can stay for another week.”

“Another week? Are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m sure your presence is deeply missed.”

At this point, what are the odds that he just sends for his luggage and settles here in my family’s home permanently?

At that, he sets aside his utensils and reaches for both of my hands. Reluctantly, I give in. It’s very difficult to say no to him. I’ve learned that time and time again, especially in the bedroom when his hands are between my thighs and his lips are on my neck.

“Are you getting tired of me, Vivienne?”