Page 9 of Crown Me, Baby

She gives a small nod.

I decide that any mention of my title at this moment would only lead to more questions. Strangely, there is something familiar about her that I can't quite put my finger on.

"And I have some questions for you," I continue. "Who are you, and why were you touching my horse?"

That sets her off again. "Who am I? I'm a good Samaritan, that's what I am. If you're so proud of this horse, why is he left here all alone every day?"

She cuts me off before I can answer.

"You're the worst kind of owner. You only see your horses as status symbols or trophies to show off before sticking them on the shelf. Can you tell me one thing about Fire… about Maximus' health over the past month?"

"I have been very busy these past few weeks," I reply. "But Maximus is well looked after, I assure you."

She points to the empty stable. "By whom? All your employees are scared of him. They take the other horses out and leave him here. He doesn't get ridden. He doesn't get brushed. Except by me."

She is practically radiating her passion for this animal she barely knows. Her freckles stand out even more. Her hair cascades in messy curls. I find myself unable to do anything but stare at her.

"You should be thanking me for maintaining your horse's well-being," she tells me. "If I didn't come over here and take care of him, there's no telling what state he'd be in."

I chuckle instinctively, and she snaps at me.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry," I reply. "But it simply would not be possible for you to properly handle Maximus. Maybe you come and pet him now and then. I could believe that. But there is simply no way that you have ever ridden on him. Someone your size would fit better on a pony."

"Is that so?" She puts her hands on her hips. "Well, I bet me and that pony could whoop your ass in a race."

"Excuse me?"

She holds the reins out to me. "If you and Fi… if you and Maximus are such a great team, prove it. Let's have a race."

I hesitate. If a local got injured at my ranch, it could bring a world of trouble.

She smirks. "Of course, if you're scared, you can just declare me the superior handler now."

I take hold of Maximus's reins. "Fine. You're on."



I'm fuming as I walk over to Water's stall. It's bad enough having to prove myself to another rancher. That goes with the territory when you're a woman out here working the land. I shut them up real quick.

But for someone to blow in from far-far-away and doubt me? And even worse, doubt my ability to do my job? I make a silent promise to all the female ranchers I've ever met. We're taking this pretty boy down.

Water whinnies in excitement when I approach.

"Hey, gorgeous," I say with a smile. "Feel like having a race?"

Water nuzzles against me in the affirmative. I pat his neck and lead him back toward Alex.

When we get closer, I decide to try a little trash talk, loud enough for Alex to hear.

"Water, would like you to tell your friend Maximus that you won’t go easy on him just because you’re friends?"

Alex lets out a derisive laugh.

"Water? Fire? Do people around here just name your horses the first word that pops into your head?"