There will always be a singular place in my heart for Solvaria above anywhere else. But Texas is carving out a spot, too.
“Oh, he’s here!” A utensil clamors loudly against the kitchen countertop as a harried, no-nonsense woman wipes her hands on her apron and hurries over. “We’ve been expecting you!”
This must be Linda, judging by the responsibility she seems to take in everything here. Already, she's more nurturing than even my mother.
“Good evening. Good to see you all.” I nod respectfully toward each staff member currently occupying the dining room. Placing my hands behind my back, I continue. “My name is Alex. I’m the owner of this ranch.”
“Son, do you know what it takes to run a ranch?”
I stare blankly at the man who just asked me that. Is it that obvious?
“I’d like to learn,” I reply with a smile.
“Good answer! Don’t worry about him. Daryl likes to poke fun,” one of the women says.
I didn’t realize it took this many people to run a well-functioning ranch. My experience as a prince should help me, I think. At least, I hope.
“Tell me, honey, was the journey alright?” The woman at the stove comes over with a fresh bowl of soup. “Oh! I'm Linda. You’re probably exhausted! And starving.”
She wipes her hand on her apron then holds it out to shake mine, and I oblige.
“Everything’s wonderful, thank you, ma’am.” I clear my throat and set my napkin over my lap. “The trip was lovely, and the ranch is even lovelier.”
I dig into the meal. I feel more at home here than I ever could have expected.
“Hey, buddy,” I croon to Water, the horse who is my pride and joy. He’s in an area outside the barn once used for nursing foals and mares, but now it’s his domain. And he’s lording over it, having a feast.
He comes right over and nudges my side. I give him one of the peppermints I stashed in there and pat his head.
“I’m only here to say hello. But I’ll be back.”
It’s as if he knows I’m going to see the magnificent black mustang. Maybe he can smell it on me.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, no one can replace you. You’ll always be my favorite horse. And my favorite man for sure. Don’t mind Fire. He means nothing to me.”
Why do I feel like a cheating spouse? He’s a horse.
I wasn’t sure what to call the enchanting black horse at first. Midnight seemed too tame. But once I hit on Fire, it suited his spirit and his charred-black coat just right.
Water whinnies in appreciation, and I give him one more head rub.
Satisfied that he’s alright, I head off to the ranch next door, just a short walk from the barn. I’m the only one Fire will work with it seems, so the ranch hands who initially resented me now worship the ground I walk on.
Fire gets grumpy if no one takes him out, so I’ve become a familiar face over there.
Since the last dust-up, Linda and I have patched things up. She’s now like a friend, oddly enough. Which says more about me than her. I don’t warm up to people easily.
But I don’t bother looking for her. Anyone on a ranch knows you don’t waste time looking for someone to tell them what you are going to do. You just get it done. And this horse, more than any I’ve ever seen, needs a guiding hand.
“It’s so nice to see you,” I say, picking a carrot out of the feedbag for the midnight-black stallion.
I can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he follows the carrot with his eyes.
“It’s okay,” I say, offering the carrot through the bars.