Page 69 of Crown Me, Baby

“Thank you for the dress, Bella,” Katerina says after kissing her on both cheeks.

“I wanted you to have it. I’m sure you looked even more stunning,” Bella says, then kisses her on both cheeks.

I tug gently on her arm and introduce her to my third and fourth brothers. She hugs Cedrick, and he embraces her like she’s really a part of the family.

“Are we early?” Ishmael asks.

I point down the road. A couple of trucks are on the way. “No. You’re right on time.”

“The bar’s in the tent.” Bella points, and my brothers nod.

“I like it here already,” Ishmael says.

“Are you ready?” Bella asks me.

“To get married?”

“Yeah. To have the wedding.”

“Since the day we met, Bella.”

She gives me that brilliant smile of hers. The one that I wake up every morning just dying to see.

“Me, too.”



Alex and I wave to the last of the guests from the porch. The caterers are long gone, but they set up a firepit and s’mores for us before they left. Cedrick and Ishmael helped carry buckets of water to extinguish it. Alex pulls me closer, and I turn to face him.

One of the best nights of my life,I think. And I don’t want it to end.

“Do you want to stay here tonight? Instead of going all the way to your ranch? It’s so far.”

He smiles. I think I can read his mind.

He uses one finger to tug at the strap on my dress, then runs it across the top of my breasts.

I know Lily went to bed over an hour ago, but my heart races as we creep quietly up the stairs. I feel like a teenager sneaking my boyfriend into my room. I very carefully shut the door and lock it, wincing at the loud click it makes.

“We have to be quiet.”

“Well, that could be a problem.”

He comes over to me and brushes my hair back over my shoulder.

He pulls me close, crushing me gently against his chest. I sigh with relief. All through the party, fun as it was, I kept wondering when I could be alone with him again.

“My beautiful Bella. My beautiful fiancée.”

He tips my face up and covers my mouth with his. The minute his lips touch mine, energy courses through me like fire and water together.

Instantly, I’m aroused. A throbbing begins deep within me, moving down between my legs and making me acutely aware of how empty I feel without him.

I relax into his arms. As our tongues merge, I feel a tug at the strap on my shoulder, then on the other one. He separates our upper bodies to push my dress down to my waist, then pulls me close again. I gasp as my naked breasts collide with his shirt.

“Remember,” he whispers. “Quiet.”