Page 64 of Crown Me, Baby

"I should have told you before," I say with a shrug. "It just felt right. I will always be proud to be your son. But I don't want to follow in your footsteps. These past few months have really shown me that I need to figure out how to be my own man."

I continue.

"I don't want to walk in your shoes. I want to forge my own identity, as Alexis. Not as a Vanecourt. And I think that starts by honoring the person who sacrificed so much."

He offers me the paper containing his decree. "So I can officially consider this your resignation from the court?"

I look my father in the eye. "I love you. I love my family. I love my kingdom. But there's someone else I love more. And I can't be the king of any nation. Not if she's not going to be there."

He smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that. Good luck, my dear son. I love you."

“I love you, too, Father. And it’s important that you know I forgive you. I forgave you immediately.”

“That means so much more than the throne of any country. And believe me. I know. And please. Give your bride a kiss on the cheek from her father-in-law.”

“She isn’t my bride yet.”

“I have faith, my son. How could she say no? You’re made for each other.”

We hug, kiss, and cry. I’ve never felt so at home as I do on the day I decide for certain I’ll be leaving it.

As I step out of the castle, a lightness fills my being. The sun is setting on Solvaria, painting a breathtaking canvas of purples, oranges, and blues across the sky. My heart aches, but it blooms with optimism. I know it’s not my home anymore.

The driver is already waiting for me at the gate. He tells me that the King already had the jet refueled and ready for my departure. I have to chuckle at the brilliant foresight. He was meant to be a monarch.

As I board the plane, my heart thuds in my chest with excitement, as well as a reverberating fear. I’m leaving behind a kingdom and the chance at a legacy. But I am heading toward a life. An actual, real life, with a family and with a path that isn’t chosen for me. I’m heading toward freedom. I’m heading toward my love, and if she has me, I’ll never let her go.

As we rise in the sky, Solvaria quickly fades into the distance.

I can only hope that Bella is waiting for me the way that I’ve been waiting for her. I know that I hurt her when I shut her out. If it takes years to win back her trust, so be it. That’s nothing compared to the joy of being with her.

She can yell at me. She can run from me. She can threaten me with her shotgun again.

I just want to see her face.



“Good morning.”

Lily smiles at me. I smile back. Then we both look at the floor.

When will it get easier?

We’ve been home for a month. I cried myself to sleep every night at first. I’m pretty sure Lily did, too. After a while, I was out of tears. Now I just walk around with a dull ache in my chest.

“Have some coffee.” Lily pours me a mug and slides it across the counter.

“Thank you, Lily.” I take a big sip. My brain is waiting for the caffeine jolt. My heart doesn’t know what it needs.

“You want eggs?” Lily already has the frying pan on top of the stove.

“Mm-hmm. Yes please.” I nod.

“How do you want them?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”