Page 50 of Crown Me, Baby

“The estate house, Your Grace.”

The driver’s voice coming through the intercom cuts through the air like a knife. We both freeze. I give her one sharp little tap with my finger. She squeals. And I pull my hand away.

“You’re relieved for the evening, sir.”

The driver nods and bows. His face is unreadable, as it should be. He’s paid not to have opinions.

We walk into the house. I gave the night shift the evening off, so it’s a skeleton crew. When I got my first look at her in that dress, I knew I’d made the right call.

The entrance hall is massive. In the center, under a large chandelier, is a circular marble table. I run my hand across it while we pass it.

“I could take you right here,” I tell Bella, looking directly at her.

I can see the excitement in her eyes.

“I won’t, but I could.” I grab her by the waist and position her exactly where I want her, fully clothed, as we walk through.

Under my hands, she’s trembling. I raise my hand up, deliberately brushing against her breast, and stroke her cheek gently.

“This way,” I whisper.

I take her by the hand and lead her into the library.

“Lots of options here. Two couches. The table. Do you have a preference?” I offer.


I pull her in close and grab her butt. I grind my erection against her, and she throws back her head, sighing.

“Guess we’ll do what I want then.”

She laughs, and I kiss her. I lead her to the side of the room and yank on a specific book. The section of the bookcase pops open.


I push her into the hidden staircase ahead of me. The light comes on automatically at the top of the staircase. There’s just enough light to see, and I love the sight of all that I’m surveying.

Her eyes are filled with fire. Her chest rises up and down rapidly. She wants me as much as I want her.

I pull the door shut and push her up against it.

“Oh, Alex.”

She picks up her leg, and I press the length of my body against hers. We both moan when we touch. I kiss her again, dipping my tongue deep into her mouth.

“I could take you right here, standing up. I bet you’d like that.” I’m rubbing my hard cock against her and take her by the hands, positioning her as if I’m going to fuck her right there.


“I knew you would somehow. I just wanted to hear you say it. But not today. Not right now. Right now, you’ll get fucked properly.”

We walk hand in hand up the stairs. I pop the door open. And I guide her in but stop her.

“Stay there. By the door. I want you to show yourself to me in all your glory. I want an unadulterated view.” I slide the zipper on her dress all the way down. Then I grab her hands and place them on her breasts, pinning the dress in place.

I strip off all my clothes. My cock springs free, straining in Bella’s direction. I sit down in the chair, facing her.

“Drop the gown now. Show me all of you.”