Page 32 of Crown Me, Baby

He smiles.

“I mean, we’re having meatballs, and Lily’s meatballs are to die for. I won’t eat any other ones.”

“I’d love to. Thanks for the invitation. Although I’m disappointed you won’t be serving corn dogs.”

I give him a playful tap on the arm. He shuts the car door behind me and follows me to the front door. As we’re walking, I look at him seriously.

“Just don’t…”

“I know. I won’t mention the King. Not Solvaria. Just dinner. Unless it’s brought up. You can count on me.”

He taps his heart lightly with a clenched fist.

I open the front door and hold it open for Alex. To get him back for opening the car door all those times.

“We’re hooo-ooome,” I yell out to Lily as we walk into the house.

“We’rehome? Do we have company?”

Lily appears at the door to the kitchen. When she sees Alex, her face lights up.

They have the same smile.

“If we have company, we should eat in the dining room.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Alex says.

“I insist.”

Lily turns and walks back into the kitchen. Alex starts to go after her. I grab his arm and shake my head.

“We’ll set the table,” I call as I lead Alex into the dining room.

I get a tablecloth out of the sideboard and throw it his way. Then I go into the kitchen to grab some silverware.

“We’re not using the china, are we, Aunt Lily?”

Lily doesn’t answer me. I walk over and take three plates out of the cupboard.

“This is fine,” I tell her softly as I walk back to the dining room.

Lily brings in the salad. “I just threw the pasta in. The timing will be perfect.”

Alex pulls out her chair. She looks up at him. The look on her face breaks my heart all over again. Why did this have to happen to her, of all people? She has the kindest heart of anyone I know. And I can’t imagine a heart breaking as much.

It seems like a terrible burden.

I walk over to the wine rack and pull out a bottle of Chianti. “How about this, since we’re having Italian?” I suggest.

Lily nods. Alex jumps up and grabs the bottle and corkscrew. He opens it deftly – faster than I would have, I have to admit. I grab three glasses from the hutch, and he pours.

We clink glasses. I notice Lily takes a large sip. She must still be nervous around Alex.

“How was the fair, you two?” Lily takes some salad and passes it to me.

“They had the black-nosed sheep.”

“Oh, I love those.”