Page 24 of Crown Me, Baby

“Okay. Well, I will do anything I can to protect her. Just know that. I won’t help persuade her of anything she doesn’t want to do.”

“Good. I’m glad she has someone like you looking out for her. But I’m going to do everything in my power – without pushing – to get her to come with me. So if she’s inclined to say yes, I’d like you to agree not to convince her otherwise. Protect her if she needs protection. But don’t try to talk her out of anything if she decides she wants to go.”

Maybe when I thought he was just some snotty prince doing his uncle’s bidding, I would have fought against it. But knowing that Lily is his mother changes things. This is her long-lost son, the one she thought she’d never see again. If she wants to go, I can’t stop her.

But if it’s too painful for her, Iwillstop him. I don’t care if he’s a prince, or a king, or a god. I need to look out for Lily after all she’s been through.


“I’m thinking. Just wait a minute.”

“You’re cute when you think.”

“You might be, too. If I ever saw you in the act.” I snort a little, pleased with myself. “Why is this thing with Lily so important to you, anyway? Why now?”

I look at his profile, and I realize he has the kind of face that would look beautiful on a coin. I wonder if his family is on the currency where he’s from.

Alex purses his lips and exhales. “The outcome of this mission determines my future. And my future has a bearing on the entire nation.”

“I don’t even know what that means.”

“I don’t know if I can say it in simpler words. But we’re just about at your stop,kapusta.” I look out the window. I was so busy staring at him that I didn’t realize we were almost home.

“Thanks, cabbage head.” I close the door, although I regret not slamming it harder. In a car this nice, I don’t even know if the doors can slam. I hear the window rolling down.

“I’ll come by again tomorrow. Oh, and, we should probably tell Lily about… you know.” He lifts up his left hand and wiggles his fingers. “Before she learns it from one of your good friends from the diner.”

“Yeah, I’ll handle it.” I walk toward the house and lift up an arm to wave goodbye without looking back. I hear his powerful engine purr and know he’s gone.

I can’t believe I’m engaged, even if it’s fake. I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to tell Lily that I’m engaged… to her son.



Maximus raises his head and looks me in the eye. I scratch his nose the way he loves.

“I need you to do something for me, Max.”

I feed him a carrot, quickly give him a brush down, and start saddling him up. He gets excited when I hold up the bridle.

There’s nothing like the feel of riding a horse at full speed. It’s the… er… second most exciting thing in the world.

“We’ll run later, I promise. But first I need to see Lily. Isabella, too.”

Lily and Isabella are outside of the barn when I get there.

“Whoa,” I tell Maximus. The three of them look up at me. Lily, Bella, and Water.

I dismount and throw the reins over a post, then climb the fence.

“You’re here early,” Bella says.

“Have you had breakfast yet, Alex?” Lily asks. “We were just about to eat. As soon as Bella’s finished fixing this mechanism…”

“Done,” Bella says, interrupting Lily.

The pump she’s handling comes to life as the water pours into the basin.