“Give me a minute, Alex.”
I pull her up so I can kiss her. I stroke her breasts lovingly, then tease one of her nipples with my tongue. She takes in her breath sharply. I can tell she’s very sensitive.
“What are we going to do now?”
I laugh while she strokes my hair. Is she kidding? The answer is obvious.
“Now.” I pick her up and start walking across the room. “I fuck you standing up.”
I slap her gorgeous, billowing ass for good measure, and her coy smile tells me everything.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Bella.”
He said that to me last night. Here I am in his home, his own private one, not the family’s summer house, making out with him for who knows how many hours in the day. We’re living in our own bubble right now, and it’s only a matter of time before it pops.
Am I crazy for never wanting this to end? No, I don’t think so. Not when his fingertips and lips feel like this against my skin. With him, I forget there’s a whole world waiting for us out there. I forget that Lily’s the reason I’m here.
But for once, I don’t care about the consequences. For once, I’m allowing myself to feel as deeply as I want and act purely on impulse. Alex rewards me handsomely each time.
When I’m old and gazing out at my ranch during the golden years of my life, I’ll remember how I fell in love with a prince and shared so many beautiful moments with him.
Why are you acting as if Alex won’t be a part of your future?Do I think history is repeating itself?
Alex starts stirring somewhere behind me. His arms wrap around my body, pressing his nose against the crook of my neck. Before long, he’s peppering me with kisses along the expanse of my skin.
“Good morning,” he says, voice raspy.
“Hi, handsome.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Amazing.” I flip around so I can face him directly. “Can I make you some breakfast? I can make a mean plate of bacon and eggs.”
“That sounds wonderful, but I don’t want you to do any hard labor while you’re with me.”
“Hard labor?” I perk a brow. “Cooking some scrambled eggs isn’t hard labor, honey.”
“Doesn’t matter.” He reaches for my hands, kissing each of them. Then, he turns over towards his nightstand and presses a button. Raising a small device to his lips, he starts speaking. “Bring two coffees, two ice waters, and a full breakfast for two. Thank you.”
“Aww.” I frown. “I wanted to do something special for you.”
“And leave me in bed? Alone?” he replies. “That would be so cruel of you to do to me. It would break my heart.”
Rolling my eyes, I swat at his chest. He pulls me against his body, reminding me that we’re both naked, separated by a thin sheet that can be easily ripped away and thrown to the floor.
He kisses me passionately and his hands trail aimlessly across my body. I wrap my arms around him, keeping his warmth close to mine.This man is mine.
That may not be the truth forever, but it’s true now. He’s in my arms. He’s kissing me. He’s whispering sweet things to me for my ears only. Everything about him drives me wild.
One of his hands finds its way into my hair, entangling itself in my locks and pulling gently whenever he wants me to open my mouth for his tongue.
Soon enough, a knock comes at the bedroom door. Alex doesn’t want to stop kissing me, so I have to be the villain and pull away from him. It’s one of the household staff with an overflowing cart of food.
The staff member doesn’t even look at us. He just leaves the food and exits the room as silently as he came in. Alex sits up and reaches for the cart, allowing the blanket to fall off his body.