“Lily, will you excuse us for a moment?” Bella drags me into the hallway.
“What’s going on?”
“I told you, tread carefully. You’re putting way too much pressure on her. Can’t you see she’s emotional? Slow down on the royalty stuff. There’s a lot there. You’re upsetting her.”
“Upsetting her? She seemed to enjoy the stories.”
“I’ve known her my whole life. You’ve known her for… a week? Two? Slow down. Follow her lead.”
I shrug. “My uncle might be dying. I’m following his lead, respectfully.”
Back in the kitchen, we hear a chair scrape as Lily hurries out from the kitchen. I see a blur pass by, followed by the sound of her feet racing up the stairs.
“Lily, wait, please…” I plead.
“No, it’s fine,” she calls, already mostly up the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs, I hesitate, but I know I need to talk to her. I go to the top of the stairs, quickly but softly.
I hear the door slam and the distinct click of a lock. I can’t hound this woman at her bedroom door. I’ve already upset her enough for one day.
If I can’t pull this off, then what happens? In the kitchen, the echo of sobs pours down the stairs.
“Happy?” Bella says. She’s sipping her coffee with her signature glare. But now it’s tinged with sadness, just like with her aunt. “So, what now, Your Highness?”
Maybe the best idea is to go back. I’ve never failed at anything before, though. And I’m determined to see this through, no matter what it takes.
Alex doesn’t answer. I set my mug down on the table a little too hard, and coffee splashes out.
“Why do you have to bother her? Can’t you see this is tearing her apart?”
“It seemed like she was enjoying herself. Until she wasn’t.” He’s staring at the floor. “Usually I get a good read on people.”
“Well, not her. She’s different, Alex.”
“I’m learning that.”
I start cleaning up the dishes. I get another shock when he begins helping.
I look at him. He’s right next to me at the sink, putting the dishes in the dishwasher after I rinse them. I’ve been trying to ignore how good he smells and how strong his biceps are in his shirt.
His eyes pierce right through me. A twinge settles between my legs, amplified by my closeness to him.
“You want to do a rematch on the racing circuit now? Might be a good palate cleanser,” he offers.
“You feel the need to get beaten again?” I give him a little grin, then turn away to focus on the dishes. “Alright. You’re on.”
I start running out the back door, and he sets off to catch me.
“Where should we go?” he yells as he catches up.
“Same as last time.”
He gets up on Fire – I mean, Maximus – as soon as we’re outside. I lead Water inside to saddle him up and mount him.