“We’ve already established that you don’t think you want the slow and tender type. Is there anything particular you want to explore?”

“I’ve liked everything so far.”

“What did you like the most?”

Approaching from the side, I sit across him, while awkwardly trying to avoid putting my legs on the arm of the chair. “I liked you telling me to sit on your lap.”

A single huff, a suggestive smile, and the firmness underneath me hint that I’m not the only one liking our contact. He wraps his hand around my legs and pulls them over the side of the chair, snuggling my body into his.

“You did, huh? You like being told what to do?”

I’m about to answer when he brushes my hair over my shoulder, grips me around the waist, and turns me to sit with my legs splayed over his lap. Yes, I like being told what to do. And, I like being shown, or handled, even more. And I love having his hard shaft between my legs.

Catching my breath, I answer. “I hate making decisions. That’s why I have my routines. They take away decisions. Everything’s orderly and expected. But this,” I motion between us. “There’s so much unknown. I just want you to walk me through it.”

“Let me kiss you.”

I giggle. It’s not exactly what I meant, but I lean forward, eager for his kiss. His technique is more demanding than that of Ballz or Adrian. It’s aggressive. Our tongues mesh in the sensual dance and I find my hips curling into him, begging for pleasure.

He surprises me by pulling back and gripping his hands on my upper arms.

“For someone who put no sex on the list, you sure seem like you want to ride my cock.”

“I’m sorry.”

“My Love, that’s nothing to be sorry about. You’re listening to your body. And so am I. Based on your little whimpers, you need an orgasm.”

“Whimpers?” And why is that not embarrassing? I’ve never whimpered over anything.

“Yes, My Love. And I heard how many orgasms you had last night and this morning with our brothers. You’re a greedy little girl.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Shhh.” He puts a finger to my lips. “Don’t apologize for letting people please you.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

His expression tightens. His eyes go dark.

Did I say that out loud? Shit! The tingling that’s been prominent between my legs creeps over my entire body. What’s happening? Did his cock just get even bigger and harder under me?

“My Love…” His tone is questioning but he doesn’t finish.

I’ve either hit an all-time low or I leveled up. I have no idea which. I opt for innocence. “Did I do something wrong? You looked…mad.”

“Mad…as in driven crazy for you, yes. I didn’t expect you to call me Daddy. Did one of our brothers tell you to do that?”

He’s not mad. Good. And his erection definitely got harder. I can grind on him even easier. I’m nearly shameless with him.

“They didn’t tell me to call them anything. But you’re so in control and demanding, and I guess it just slipped out.”

“Say it again.”

I roll my clit into his shaft as I lean forward to bring my mouth to his ear. I lick my lips, and I’m so close that my tongue catches the side of his ear. I’m rewarded with a twitch from his cock. I might officially be ruined as I whisper, “Daddy.”

My entire body shakes in anticipation of his reaction. He moves his hand up my thigh, rubs his thumb over my sex, and my body welcomes the pleasure.

“Show Daddy how you like to come.”