
Spending Sunday with Donovan was...unexpectedly interesting.I’d really wanted to give him a chance to find his inner kid beneath his cold exterior.I hadn’t expected him to do so quickly, and he still wasn’t there yet, but he’d done something I’d expected even less.He’d opened up to me.About why he didn’t trust and why he’d become so set in his ways.Some might say selfish.I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t true, but I kind of understood how it had happened.Being away on his own must have been a freedom like he’d never had before.Then to find someone to share it with, only for them to throw a ton of his own issues at made sense that he’d dug his heels in.I wasn’t saying it was smart or healthy, only that I could see how it had occurred.I would likely have run home with my tail between my legs, but as we’d established, we were very different people.Even so, we had found a bit of common ground, and we were using it to feel each other out.To find out who the other was now we were all grown up.

We watched two of the movies I’d taken over with me.The Nightmare Before Christmas, andMiracle on 34thStreet.We relaxed around each other, munching the popcorn, getting gradually closer to each other on the bed.I wasn’t sure how it had happened.Maybe just that every time one of us shifted position, we’d edged towards each other.We never got close enough to be touching, but the movement showed that, somehow, the gap between us as almost strangers was being bridged.

A part of me wondered...what if we hadn’t moved house when I was a kid?What if Donovan’s other grandad hadn’t died?What if his parents hadn’t moved them to Italy?Would we have continued to spend Christmases hanging out together?Would we have hit that awkward stage where boy and girl friends became complicated?Most likely, once Donovan started high school while I was still at primary, he would have decided he didn’t want to hang out with a ‘kid’ anymore.I wondered if I would have had a crush on him, the older boy who came to stay every year.Of course, it was impossible to guess.So many things could have happened that sent us in different directions.

I liked him.Just as I had all those years ago.Except now, we were older.Arguably wiser.

And yes, he was attractive.Most especially when he flashed that lopsided smile and those little lines appeared around his eyes.They shone when he really meant it, the deep blue sparkling.

Oh, Christ.

Noting those things about him absolutely did not mean anything.It would be pointless for it to hold any importance anyway since he was leaving after Christmas.The plan had always been to show him the benefits of living in a close-knit community and experience the festive season for what it was.A time for family and fun.

On Wednesday afternoon,I walked into my house practically buzzing with glee.With a contented sigh, I straightened up, carrying the two bags of Christmas gifts from the children in my class into my living room.I’d had a good haul this year, with several “Best Teacher Ever” mugs, some chocolates, and a load ofStranger Thingsitems.

My students know me so well.

I was looking forward to going through the gifts again over a hot chocolate, with my Christmas tree lights twinkling beside me, but first, I wanted to shower and change into something more comfy.I had plans for dinner with a couple of my friends from work, and they were coming down to Dawlish because they’d fallen in love with the carvery at The Smugglers Inn when they’d been down before.Shannen and Gaby both lived in Exeter, so they were driving down together and staying at my place for the night.I couldn’t wait to celebrate the last day of term with them.There had been a staff party at the weekend, but I never really enjoyed the bigger get-togethers.I had been friends with Gaby through work for a while, but Shannen had only just started working at our school in September, so I didn’t know her too well yet.From the times I’d spoken to her, she’d seemed super friendly, and Gaby had kind of taken Shannen under her wing.

After showering, I threw on some PJs while I dried my hair, then read a book until it was time for me to get ready.Since it was just a meet-up with friends, I didn’t need to get overly dressed up, but it had been a while since I’d had a reason to do more than the minimal makeup.I pulled on my ‘going out’ jeans—they were dark blue and slightly flared at the bottom—along with a black corset-style top with short sleeves, and then sat down at my dresser, looking through my cosmetics bag.Screw it.It was the last day of term, which made this a cause for celebration.After doing my usual foundation with a touch of plum-coloured lip gloss, I added a teensy hint of bronzer, then set about creating the perfect smoky eye with champagne-coloured eyeshadow.Even though it was freezing outside, I planned to wear my black strappy heels to complete my look.They weren’t too high because I intended to have a few drinks and I had no desire to spend the Christmas holiday resting my ankle with Donovan.His was a lot better now.The swelling had gone most of the way down, and he was relying on the crutches much less than he had been.I’d been over to June’s for a cheeky cuppa the night before, and Donovan and I had prepared our next hit list mission, which would be taking place the following day.Now school was out, if we wanted to, we could spend more time together.The idea caused butterflies in my stomach which I continued to ignore.Since our deeper chat at the weekend, I’d told myself over and over there was nothing to think about, even though it was becoming clear that he wasn’t the prick I’d first believed he was.Maybe I should have given up on the whole hit list thing just to save myself from getting any closer to him, but I couldn’t pull back yet.

I scrunched at the ends of my hair, making sure the curls fell nicely around my shoulders, and when I was satisfied, I grabbed my bag, phone, purse, and keys, and headed downstairs to wait for my friends.

The Smugglers at Christmas was so freaking beautiful.A large Christmas tree stood in the small foyer by the entrance, and as I walked into the pub, the warmth hit me instantly.Not just from coming in out of the cold; the atmosphere was warm.Being mid-week, it wasn’t overly busy, but there were a few people in the bar area, waiting to be served, and some others sitting at the tables down the side of the room and by the large windows that gave an impressive view over beautiful fields with the sea in the distance.

We headed inside to the bar and waited near the doors that led to the back part of the pub, where there was a pool table and more seating.As we waited, I thought my friends both looked amazing.Dressed in smart casual clothing like me, but also both made-up.Gaby’s thick blonde wavy hair looked incredible, and Shannen, who had black curls, had left hers hanging loose like I had.

“What are you drinking?”Gaby asked me with a grin.

“I’d love a white wine spritzer,” I said.

“Excellent choice!”Gaby placed my order, and the bartender soon came back with my wine, a vodka and Coke, and a tall glass of lemonade.

Shannen reached for the lemonade with a shrug.“I have to babysit my nephew tomorrow afternoon, so I’d rather not do that with a hangover.”

“Only Shannen would be released from her job as a teacher and immediately offer herself for babysitting duties,” Gaby teased as the three of us moved away from the bar and headed towards the restaurant.

“I am clearly a glutton for punishment,” Shannen said.“It’s a good thing he’s cute.”

“I love kids,” I said, “but I am also very much looking forward to this break!”

It was true.I adored the children in my class.Teaching was the only thing I’d ever wanted to do, but holidays were much needed to rest and re-charge.Admittedly, I spent a lot of my days off thinking about lessons and tasks for the next term because it was such a huge part of my life, but Christmas was when I switched off the most.I wanted the time with my friends and family, and very little else mattered.

The smell of the carvery made my mouth water, and we were shown to our table to set our drinks down before going to get our food.In my opinion, there was nowhere better for a carvery, and once my turkey was carved, I piled my plate with roast potatoes, veg, stuffing and topped it with gravy.

The three of us ate until we were stuffed, occasionally getting our drinks topped up as we chatted and laughed.I was really glad the night wasn’t ending anytime soon; we were having too much fun.It would have been a shame to go our separate ways.

I didn’t get to do this much.Because I’d grown up mostly in Exeter and also gone to university there, the people I was closest to were either there or in further away towns or scattered across the country.Exeter wasn’t far away, but still, a quick cuppa with someone took a twenty to thirty-minute drive, and during term time, my schedule didn’t allow for it very often.I didn’t have anyone I could just pop in to see for a chat other than June; not that that was a bad thing.I loved her, but having other friends in the immediate area was something I missed sometimes.I’d contemplated moving back to the city, but in spite of missing the company, I couldn’t bring myself to go.

Once we were full and ready to go home and eat more junk food while watching movies, we headed out to the front of the pub to pay.We were in the middle of discussing which of our favourite hot guy movies to watch first when I got the strange sensation that someone was watching me.I turned around and almost immediately saw Donovan sitting alone at a table near the doors.My heart, rather annoyingly, jolted as our eyes connected.

I handed Gaby my share of money for the bill and said, “I’ll be right back.”

It only took a couple of strides to reach him, though I could sense the girls’ eyes on me, and I said, “Hey.Wasn’t expecting to see you in here.”

He smiled, holding onto his beer bottle.“Nan said she comes here for lunch every week, and I thought I’d come and have a drink.I wasn’t expecting to bump into you either.”