I laughed, a little lighter just for having a better conversation with my nan.As she sat back down on the sofa, I shuffled off and sat on the floor so I could rest on the coffee table.

I hadn’t written anyone a letter in years, and a weird bubble of nostalgia washed over me.Something I hadn’t felt in a while because I rarely looked back unless I’d had a few too many drinks.I was always looking forward to the next big adventure, but maybe that was whatthiswas.On a much smaller scale, but also, maybe it was what I could use for my blog for the next few weeks.I usually scheduled stuff in advance about where I had been, letting people believe I was on a city break somewhere, while in reality, I was sunbathing by a swimming pool.This would be an interesting change of pace for me.

Holding the pen to the paper, I thought about what I wanted to say.First, I picked up Nova’s letter from the couch and re-read it.Although I could tell from her tone she was a bit pissed off with me about my blog post—which, to me, was not a slating of the town but more my personal thoughts; something else I rarely let people see—there was something sweet about this idea.I was confident I would never be excited about Christmas the way I once had been.There was something endearing about her, though.Even if we butted heads a lot, it would be good to be around someone other than my grandmother.


The Christmas hit list sounds like a killing spree.I know you said you like true crime documentaries, but I don’t want to be the subject of one.

However, I am willing to accept your challenge, but I’m warning you in advance...the cynicism is strong.If you can locate the Christmas spirit in my cold, grumpy—yes, I remember you calling me that—heart, I will apologise and rock up at your house on Christmas morning dressed as an elf.

I wished I could insert emojis with a pen and paper.I changed the full stop to an exclamation mark, hoping it conveyed that I was mostly kidding.I truly didn’t think there would be a part of me that would enjoy a small-town Christmas again.It was too fucking cold and grey.

I pick Slip not first because I think it’s ice skating, and I want to see if you have improved since the last time we went.Just let me know when you want to go, and I’ll be there!

I chuckled to myself as I put the note in the envelope, ready to post through Nova’s letterbox.Standing, I let Nan know I was going to deliver it, and then tugged on my shoes to take it next door.

I’d only been back in the house for fifteen minutes before her response dropped onto the doormat.Nan grinned as I got up to collect it, and I thought about how, when we were kids, we were only allowed to go out until it got dark.As adults, this shit could have gone on all night, so I decided I’d respond to whatever she said in the morning.I pulled at the envelope’s flap to open it and yanked out the new note.

Get your elf costume ready.

Ice skating at Exeter’s Winter Wonderland on Saturday.I will confirm the time ASAP.Happy to drive us or go in your car.

As for the killing spree, my money is on me throttling you before the end of the Christmas holidays.

I laughed out loud, then continued reading the last line.

I know we’re only next door, but it’s freezing outside and I want to put my PJs on, so here’s my number.Text with any further thoughts you have.

It was like she’d read my mind.I looked at her number, then took out my phone to program it in.Once I’d saved it, I typed:

Saturday is good.P.S You won’t throttle me.My sarcastic charm will keep me safe.:D

Two minutes later, she text back:

We’ll see.



My work weekflew by in a flurry of Christmas music and craft projects, mingled with lessons I’d managed to put a seasonal spin on.When I’d popped in to see June on Friday afternoon, Donovan had gone out.I wondered if that was deliberate since he now knew I always came over on Friday afternoons.June had assured me that wasn’t the case, though.He’d gone out to Trago Mills and hadn’t returned yet.It didn’t surprise me.The place was a labyrinth of bargains, and I’d spent many hours in there browsing the shelves and wandering around the grounds, looking for the peacocks that roamed freely.June told me that, through the week, Donovan had taken her shopping in Exeter, and they’d also gone for lunch at the House of Marbles.I didn’t pry into whether their relationship was improving, but she didn’t complain about him, so I guessed things were better.

Donovan and I had exchanged a couple of texts during the week to confirm our ice skating plans.I wished I was better at cryptic clues as I hadn’t wanted him to guess anything I had planned, but I was too eager to get things in motion to think of anything super clever.

I was amused by the comments he’d made in his note to me about dressing in an elf costume and his teasing about my bad ice skating as a youngster.I wasn’t entirely sure whether he was being a dick or not, but I guessed time would tell.

Surprisingly, our journey to Northernhay Gardens went well.Donovan told me about what he and June had done over the past few days.Even though she had told me some of it herself, I enjoyed hearing it from his side.He was still fairly detached when he spoke about her, but I liked that he was making an effort.

Once inside Exeter’s version of Winter Wonderland, skates on and at the edge of the rink, I wavered.The rink was busy, with lots of parents and children skating around.I wasn’t exactly an expert on the ice, but I had grown more competent since I was a child.However, I hadn’t skated for around five years, so I wasn’t sure how I would fare.I’d also forgotten how cold ice rinks were.Yes, there is a clue in the name, but somehow, in my head, it seemed like it should be warmer than it truly was.

“Nervous?”Donovan asked with a smirk as we stood near the entrance to the rink.He was wearing a thick beige V-neck jumper and blue jeans, his denim jacket over the top, and his blue scarf around his neck.Tall and stocky as he was, I wondered if he would be steady or shaky on his skates.

“Apprehensive,” I corrected.“I haven’t done this in a while.”I tucked my hands inside my black coat for a moment, trying to suppress a shiver.

“Me neither, so I guess we’re pretty even.”

I nodded, taking a deep breath.I hadn’t thought about how this would work.I had no intention of holding his hand—we weren’t a couple on a date.But if we just went off on our own, we weren’t really skating together.