“Donovan Cain, you need to sort this out immediately,” Nan said, standing up and walking towards me.

“I can’t.”I shook my head.“She won’t listen to anything I say now.Even if I apologise, I can’t take back how I made her feel.”My chest ached as I said it because I believed it was the truth.

Nan poked me in the chest, right where it hurt, drawing my full attention to her.“You are an idiot, boy.I don’t care how you fix it, but you will.Christmas is going to be hard enough without you hurting someone who has shown both of us nothing but kindness and generosity.I can’t make you see what is so obvious to anyone else who looks at you both, but you will apologise to her and you will treat her with the same respect she has shown you.”

She pushed past me through the kitchen and into the hallway, her footsteps disappearing up the stairs, and I hung my head, letting out a sigh.

I toed my shoes off, kicking them under the kitchen table before heading into the living room to throw myself on the sofa.

My phone vibrated in my jeans pocket, and although I didn't have much interest in speaking to anyone right then, I took it out and looked at the screen.


Whether you want to be around me or not, June deserves a good Christmas.Please don't ruin it for her.You both still need to come and spend the day with my family.

She thinks I don't want to be around her?Of course she did.That was exactly the impression I’d given her.Yet, she was willing to put her own comfort aside for my nan, to make sure she had a nice Christmas.Nan deserved more than a half-arsed meal, stuck in her house with only me because of a problem I'd created.

After thinking it over for a moment, I typed:

Okay.Maybe we shouldn't stay over though.I can drive me and Nan if that makes it easier?


That's up to you.Mum says you’re still welcome to stay.Depends if you think you can get through the day without drinking.

I smiled in spite of the situation.Good to see her sense of humour was still intact.I guessed from the message that she'd gone to see her mum to let her know what had happened.So, I would be unpopular with just about everyone in the house.

I'd probably need a drink.

I replied:

Fair point.Better ask your mum to make up the guest rooms then.


It's my mother.The guest rooms were made up this morning.:)

Closing my eyes, I let out a groan.

I missed her already.Just like I always did when we’d been away from each other for more than an hour.

And she thought I didn't want to be near her.

I wanted to go sit on her doorstep until she got home and tell her I was a fucking idiot.To take back my dark tone and cruel words.I just didn’t believe I had a hope of her trusting me again now.

Instead, I remained where I sat, staring at the messages.After a while, I typed:

Thank you.:)

The next day without her was going to be a long one, but at least I had a trip to prepare for.

Somehow, that thought didn't make me feel better.



As I placedthe bag of presents to take to my parents' house in the boot of my car, along with my overnight bag, my stomach churned.I'd barely manage a slice of toast that morning before I got ready because the idea of seeing Donovan was making me uneasy.I knew once I got to my parents' place I'd feel better, but the idea of an uncomfortable drive with him in my car wasn't sitting well with me.I'd made arrangements with June for us to leave at half past nine, and since the moment I woke up, I'd been dreading it.