The doorbell rang just as I giggled at the message.Standing, I hammered out a response.

Thank you, June.See you tomorrow xx

The buzzing anticipation of his arrival had been slightly broken by June’s message, and when I opened the door to him, before he could say anything, I held my phone up to him to show him the text.

“Way to ruin the mood,” he said, laughing and shaking his head.

“Yeah.But it’s also kinda sweet.”

He stepped inside, and I shut and locked the door behind him.“I suppose it is.”

He didn’t have his coat on since it took approximately twenty seconds to run to my house, and I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket as I looked up at him.

The crooked smile on his lips was both cute and hot as hell.An almost-smirk, but with a fondness shining from his eyes.

“So, you missed me, huh?”I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.

“A little,” he replied, feigning nonchalance.

“Hmm.Only a little.Seems a lot of effort to come back out in the cold if you only missed me a little.”

His smile widened, and he put his hands on my waist, pressing me back against the wall.“I missed you loads,” he said, his mouth covering mine in a kiss that knocked the breath out of me.I wound my arms around him, pulling him in closer, my hands clinging to the soft material of his dark green jumper that hugged his body perfectly.

If it wasn’t for the fact I’d missed him too, I’d have thought he was just trying to butter me up.The truth was, even before we’d ever kissed, walking away from him had become harder, and each time I knew I would see him, my entire body felt more alive.I’d got the same feeling from him earlier.The way he’d looked at me when he opened the door to me earlier; he’d seemed to brighten somehow.Not just his smile, but everything about him.

“I missed you too,” I told him, capturing his lips with mine once more.

Donovan slid one hand down to my hip, while the other moved up, his fingers softly stroking the back of my neck.His touch on my bare skin made me tingle, and I closed my eyes at the sensation as his fingertips circled gently.Just the simple stroke was making me melt into him, against him, and I held him tighter as my heart began to race.

“You look so fucking perfect right now,” he murmured, and when I opened my eyes, his were on me, darker than usual as he watched me.

“Donovan, I...”I trailed off, unsure what I was even trying to say.

My body reacted to the gentleness of his fingers as they continued to tease my skin, and I wanted so much more.But the speed of everything was making me dizzy.

Or maybe it was just him.

Gazes still connected, Donovan said, “We don’t have to do anything more than this.I just want to be with you.”

I nodded slowly.“What if I want more?”

He kissed me tenderly.“We can do that too.”Another brush of lips.“But that isn’t the reason I came over.”

I wouldn’t have believed any other man who said that to me.Usually, sex was always the reason.But I knew he meant it.It was clear from the way he was pressed against me he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but if all I had asked to do was curl up on the sofa and talk, he’d have been okay with it.

But that wasn’t what I wanted.

I wasn’t sure what the hell Donovan was doing to me, but any normal rules I had about sex on a first date were disappearing while his eyes burned into mine.

We’d had the best day.Bumpy in places, but all in all, it was a day I would happily have done all over again.Even the awkward parts, because it was real.Neither of us had any need to pretend to be anything other than who we were, and although things between us were undefined and complicated in so many ways, there was no way to pretend the chemistry between us wasn’t there.It seemed to get stronger with every day to the point people could see it.First Gaby and Shannen, then Donovan’s mum, and then June.

Live in the moment.

When it came down to it, that was all we ever had.

“What are you thinking?”Donovan asked, his hand drifting up to my cheek to gain my attention.I’d been looking at him the whole time, but he could tell I’d drifted away, trying to figure out what I wanted.

I lightly kissed his lips, my hands moving down his back to the waistband of his jeans.“I’m thinking I would really like you to stay with me tonight.”