“Bring it in,” Nova said, beckoning Nan and me towards her.She pulled her phone from the pocket of her jeans, and we all squeezed in together while Nova stretched her arm as far as she could to get us all in the frame.“Smile!”

God, she’s cheesy.But it wasn’t annoying on her.Her enthusiasm for simple things entertained me.She continued to thaw the coldness inside me, and I wasn’t even sure how she was doing it.After Paige, anyone who made me feel that way was subtly extracted from my life.It was different with Nova because… she didn’t feel new to me.It was like reuniting with an old friend and not like she was someone who was trying to wedge herself into my life.More that she was inviting me into hers.When it was time to leave after Christmas, I wouldn’t stay away from England for anywhere near as long as I had before.I had more than one reason to come back now.

Nova took the photo while I shook that thought from my head.When she was done, she sent the photo to me and then began to scroll through her phone.

“I know I was trying to revive some of our Christmas traditions,” she said, looking at me.“But one of mine and my mum’s is to play Christmas music while baking.So, I’m adding that to the mix.”She pressed play, and the sound ofJingle Bell Rockblasted out into the kitchen.

“Ooh, I love this one,” Nan said, bopping her head to the beat.

Nova put her phone on the table out of the way of the mess we were about to make and then took hold of Nan’s hands.“Then let’s dance!”

Nova and Nan swung each other around the kitchen, both of them laughing and singing along, and yet another slab of ice dropped away from inside me.This was it.The thing Nova was trying to make me remember.The silliness and fun that could be had.I leaned against the counter, watching them, soaking up the happiness exuding from both of them.Nan had sobbed on my shoulder in the cafe.She hadn’t been right all day, but Nova had swept in and given her a reason to smile again.

And it was fucking beautiful.

“Come on, Donovan,” Nan said, letting go of one of Nova’s hands and extending hers out to me.“You are never too old for a dance.”

The me from a week ago would have rolled my eyes and made some sarcastic remark, but looking at my grandmother and feeling the love and peace she had in that moment, I couldn’t say no.I pushed off of the countertop and took her hand in one of mine, taking Nova’s hand with the other.She gave me a wink as our eyes met, and I grinned down at her and squeezed her hand.I didn’t need to thank her for this moment.I knew she got it from the way her gaze softened, and I was sure I saw a brief sheen of tears in her eyes.

Okay,you Christmas-loving weirdo.You win this round.



Baking was a success.In a couple of hours, once we were all tidied up and June had gone upstairs for a nap, Donovan and I sat in her living room on the sofa with a hot chocolate each and the plate of cookies we’d made on the coffee table in front of us.It had been a fun afternoon spent laughing and dancing as we worked.Seeing June and Donovan bonding filled me with delight.Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was definitely coming around to the idea of being around his family, and June needed it too.That connection.It had broken my heart to hear she’d been upset earlier.The idea of her breaking down in the cafe made me wish I’d been able to be there like I had so many other times.The most important thing, though, was she wasn’t on her own for now.I always worried about her, and I called or text her every day or two if I didn’t physically go to see her, just to make sure she was okay.Now, I didn’t have to.Not that it had stopped me messaging or visiting.I just felt better knowing someone was with her.

“So, that was fun,” I said, reaching over for a star-shaped cookie topped with white icing and snapping off a small piece.

Donovan nodded.“It was.Hopefully, these are more edible than the ones we used to make.”

Smiling, I popped the piece I’d broken off into my mouth.The sugary sweetness was divine, and I gave a thumbs-up, making him laugh.He reached over for a Christmas tree-shaped cookie covered in green icing and those little silver edible ball things.Our design skills had improved since we were kids too.

“Thank you for what you did today,” he said.“Nan had a rough day, and you really cheered her up.”He took a bite of his cookie, letting out a small moan of approval.The sound made me chuckle.

“It’s fine,” I told him, breaking off another piece of my star.“I love June, and if there is any way I can make her feel better, I’ll do it.”

Before either of us could speak again, I heard a faint ringing sound from somewhere in the room.It sounded like an iPad, and I glanced at Donovan.His eyes darted around the room, and then he leapt up and crossed to the armchair June sat in sometimes—the one her husband used to sit in.Just peeking out from under a cushion, the corner of the device poked out and the screen was lit up.Donovan pulled it out.

“It’s Nan’s,” he said.“And that is my parents trying to call her.”

He swiped to answer it, then sat back down on the sofa while it connected.I wasn’t in the frame, but I glanced over at the screen, curious to see what his parents looked like now.

“Oh!”Donovan’s mum, Louise, said, her eyes widening in surprise.“Hi, darling!”She was sitting on what I assumed was a bed with Donovan’s dad, Sam, beside her.It looked like they were in their cabin on the cruise ship.

“Hi,” Donovan said, smiling.“Are you having fun?”

“We are!”Louise beamed, and I couldn’t help smiling at her excitement.She looked just as I remembered her.She had thick black hair that hung way past her shoulders, and blue eyes not unlike Donovan’s.His dad had much less dark hair on his head than he used to, and he wore glasses now, but to me, he didn’t look much different either.“Alaska is just stunning.”

“The ship’s not bad either,” Sam added with a grin that looked just like Donovan’s when he was teasing me.

“I should bloody hope it’s not bad for the price you paid,” Donovan said, laughing.“Are you taking lots of photos?”

“We are,” Louise told him.“I think your readers would love to see this place.You should do the trip.You’d love it.”

“Alaska is on my list, but I think I want to go somewhere warm next, after I’ve been to see you.”

The idea of him leaving made an unwelcome chill run through me.I wasn’t sure why, though.I mean, this was how it had always been every time I’d known him.He came for the holidays, and then he left.The difference was, as a kid, I’d been okay with that.Understood he had to go.He had to go to school just like I did.Now...he didn’t have any commitment to be in a certain place for a set amount of time.He did, however, have a job to do.One that paid him well to do what he loved.