“Give me your other foot,” June said, bending down.“Let’s get your shoe off, and then I’ll go and get you some ice.”

“Shall I put the kettle on?”I asked as she wrestled his trainer off while he rested his head on the back of the sofa with his eyes closed.

“Please,” June replied.

“Teas all round?”

“Yes, please,” Donovan answered.

“I’ll also run out to the car and get your other shoe,” I said, already heading to the kitchen.

Within ten minutes, everyone was settled in June’s comfy living room.Donovan held a mug of tea, his injured leg now propped up more on the coffee table with a couple of cushions underneath it and a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel resting over the top.In spite of his protests, June had put a thick grey blanket over him, and he honestly looked exhausted.The pain and drama of our morning were finally getting to him, and he looked like he needed a nap.

“So, your first mission didn’t get off to a great start,” June said with a slight giggle.I knew she wasn’t amused at Donovan’s injury, more the fact that we had got home from ice skating within an hour and a half when we should have been out way longer.

“You can laugh,” Donovan said, “but now I’m broken, I won’t be able to drive us anywhere until I’m healed again.I can’t walk very far either.”

He actually sounded disappointed about it, which was a vast improvement from before.Perhaps his time with June had made him realise family was a good thing, not something to be irritated by.

June gave a sincere smile.“That doesn’t matter, love.You’re still here, which is what’s important.It’s a shame we won’t be able to go to Darts Farm tomorrow, though.”

Darts Farm was one of my favourite places to go to at Christmas.The farm shop in Topsham was full of everything anyone could ever need, and they sold the most exceptional locally sourced foods and drinks, as well as many other amazing things.I had bought hampers as Christmas gifts from there in the past, and their restaurant was so popular there was always a queue to get in.

“If you want a ride, I can take you,” I said.“I don’t have anything planned for tomorrow.If you want to go, I can drop you off and go visit my mum and dad until you’re ready to leave.”

“That’s so kind, my darling, but I can’t expect you to do that,” June said.“Thank you for the offer, though.”

“Would it involve a lot of walking?”Donovan asked, his eyes closed again.“Because I’m not sure I could manage too much.”

It occurred to me that he had probably never been there, but with his love of local cream and Christmassy foods, I knew he would enjoy it.However, the place was pretty big and perhaps a bit much for someone with a bad sprain.

But then I remembered something.“Oh!My dad has a spare pair of crutches at his place.He still plays football and is prone to hurting his knee.I’m sure you could borrow them for a few days to help you get around.”

Donovan’s eyes opened, and he stared at me for a moment, something like questions in his eyes.What I’d offered seemed pretty basic to me.He had a problem, and I had a potential solution, yet his gaze seemed to search mine as if wondering why I would offer to help.

“If he doesn’t mind and you’re okay to take us, I would like to go.But...you don’t have to stay at your parents’ place.You can come with us if you want to.”

From across the room, I spotted a small smile gracing June’s lips, but I pretended not to see.

“I can give my dad a call and see what he says.But he won’t mind at all.”



On Sunday morning,the swelling on my ankle had gone down a little, but it still hurt like a bitch to put weight on it.Nova had confirmed her dad said I could borrow his crutches, and we swung around to their place before heading to Darts Farm with Nan.Her mum had been the one to come to the door, and she waved at me enthusiastically while I waited in the car.When I waved back, she grinned, leaning in to whisper something to Nova.I could see Nova’s shoulders stiffen even in her thick coat, but when she turned around to walk back to the car, she was laughing, a faint glow on her cheeks, probably from the chill in the air.

Havingcrutches made getting around much easier, even though pressing on them for so long hurt my hands.It was worth it to look around the enormous farm shop.We’d picked up some freshly made chicken and ham pies for lunch, and I’d treated everyone to a slice of cheesecake each.Nova and Nan both bought some gifts, and Nova also got some bottles of Sicilian lemonade that was made locally, which intrigued me.

We’d spent wellover an hour looking around, and even I could admit the winter vibe and the Christmas music were easy to be swept up in, especially when Nan and Nova were having such a good time.They were both excitedly pointing out things they liked the look of and laughing with glee as they discussed what they were going to buy.It was adorable.Something I hadn’t experienced since I was with my ex, Paige.She loved to shop with her friends, and her happiness had always made me smile.This was different somehow, though.I couldn’t pinpoint why, but even my cynical heart enjoyed the trip, whereas with Paige, I liked her being happy, but I only tolerated the shopping.

Once we got back to Nan’s house, she heated up the pies, and we ate lunch, including the slices of cheesecake and a bottle each of Nova’s Sicilian lemonade, which was really tasty.

When we were done, Nan wanted to go and watch TV, and against my better judgement, I selected ‘Festive flashbacks’ from Nova’s hit list.I waited at Nan’s kitchen table while Nova went back to her place to get the things we would need.

She returned with a small tote bag and placed it on the table in front of me before taking off her black knee-high boots.I tried hard not to look at her toned legs as she did so, but it was difficult not to appreciate them in her tight jeans.

“Okay,” she said.“Since you need to keep resting, this was the best thing you could have picked.”She nodded towards the bag for me to look inside, and I reached for it and pulled it towards me.