“It’s not impossible to disappear, but it's not convenient either. All technology has to go.”

“I didn’t take my phone. I used cash to buy a crap one.”

“That doesn’t make it impossible, but...” He trails off, and I hear him mutter a curse under his breath.


“Your car.”

“I didn’t use the security system or the navigation. I kept them off.” I thought maybe they could be tracked, so I wanted to play it safe.

“It doesn’t matter. The car company can still track it.”

Oh god. Then it has to be Cole.

“I have to get us out of here.” I try to wiggle from Fraser’s hold, but he only tightens his arms.

“It’s snowing out, and it’s already dark. It’s not safe for us to leave.”

“You’ve got that big truck. I could borrow it.”

“Do you really think that if I did let you leave here it would be without me?” I can tell he’s irritated at me even thinking of going on my own.

“You don’t understand. I’m not sure what he’s capable of.” My voice cracks, and Fraser’s jaw hardens.

“Do you know what I’m capable of?” A dark expression takes over his face, and I remember the night I woke up to him cleaning his guns.

“I don’t want you to get hurt. I couldn’t do that to your family.” They’ve already been through so much, but I don’t say that part out loud.

“And I can’t lose another person I love.” His words hit me in the chest, and I let out a small gasp. Was that just a slip of the tongue or something people say in this situation? “Love. Nyah.” This time he emphasizes it so there’s no mistake.

“Fraser, how—”

“Don’t. I don’t want you to say it back right now or question it. I’m saying it so you know and don’t get some crazy idea of trying to sneak out of here in the middle of the night thinking you're saving me. That would kill me, beauty.”

“I want to stay,” I admit. Hell, I want it so badly it’s a physical ache inside of me. “And you want us to stay. Like stay stay.”

“I don’t want it, I need it. I can’t go back to how I was living before. You think I saved you that night, but it was you that saved me.”

“I love you too,” I blurt out and then put a hand over his mouth. “I know you said not to say it, but if something happens and he takes us, I need you to know.” His fingers wrap around my wrist to pull my hand away from his mouth.

“No one is taking my girls. I promise you that.”

“Your girls?” I can’t help but smile even though I’m freaking out.

“Finders keepers,” he says, and then his hands go to my ass before lifting me up. “Even if I have to tie your little ass to the bed tonight.”

“I might like that.” I smirk.

“Nyah, I’m going to—”

“Found one!” Mina shouts, snapping me back to reality. We both turn our heads to see Mina staring at us from the sofa. “Popcorn?”

“On it,” Fraser says before he slowly lets me slide down his body. I can feel his erection press into me, and I hum with excitement. “And I’ll be on you later.”