Page 19 of Runaway Love

It’s not hard to recall all the shared moments I’ve had with his daughter. None of those matter though, not really.

“I fell for her the moment I saw her. Before you even left the grounds, I felt this way.” Every day I’ve spent with her simply amplifies the feeling, and I explain that to him too.

“Please, don’t give me more details than I need.” He groans softly.

Waiting for any sort of threats or anger, I’m surprised by a lack of any.

“You’re not angry.” Deciding to bite the bullet, I point out the obvious. “You don’t even sound too surprised. I don’t understand.”

“If she refuses to leave your home and I can’t convince her to come back, you must be doing something right, Idris. If I take her away, my daughter will hate me and my relationship with you will be over. I don’t have many options here.” He clicks his tongue. “You’re the one man I trust with her. That hasn’t changed. I just didn’t expect you to fall for her. I can’t blame you. Daria is precious.”

He’s got that right.

“So, do I have your blessing?” I ask, easing back to the start of our conversation.

His chuckle is reassuring. “As long as I’m invited to the wedding. Nothing big either. I don’t want a lot of attention on her.”

His demands are simple and easy to agree to.

“I can do small.” Even if it’s simply in my home, I’m happy to agree.

Since I have him on the phone while he doesn’t want to wring my neck, I catch up with him on my way to the kitchen. While I request a snack, it feels good to be able to talk to the man, even if my love for his daughter is probably one of the last things he wants to talk about.

* * *

Her cheeks are flaming, and inside, I can’t even feel bad. Not when I’m still riding my high from my earlier phone conversation.

“He said that?” She fluffs her pillow, eyes cast down. “You want to marry me?”

“Yesterday,” I confess, watching her fight a smile. I wish she wouldn’t. Honestly, if she wants to beam, I’m ready to be blinded by her smile. “Is that alright? You’ll be stuck with me.”

Looking my way, she lets out a laugh. “You make it sound like a prison sentence.”

“William says you asked him to stay for a while, so maybe not such a terrible time.” I grin when her twin patches grow darker.

“Normally, you’re supposed to get a ring and ask me.” She shifts so she’s lying at my side. “Though, I suppose you don’t do that here.”

I pull her close the moment I can. “I’ll get you a ring if that’s what you like. We can get some delivered and you can pick out whichever you like.”

She sighs against my chest when I hug her closer to my body. “There’s still plenty of learning to do. I don’t need a ring, I’ll happily be your wife without it.”

I love the sound of that very much. It’ll take effort not to get everything thrown together immediately. Our marriage will be done right and I’ll make sure Daria loves every minute of it.


When I wake up in the middle of the night, I find myself twisted around in my blankets with my back pressed against Idris’ chest. He’s so warm, a bit too much with the blanket. With an option of which to get rid of, of course, I stir a bit until I get my body untangled. My movement must wake him up because his arm is quick to tighten around my frame.

“Tell me you aren’t leaving.” His voice scratches a part inside me and I wish he’d keep talking. Especially when each word brushes against the top of my head.

“Getting comfortable,” I mumble back, hoping I haven’t completely woken him up.

When his arm moves, I feel his hand run up my stomach and stop right below my breasts. Soon, I’m becoming more alert. Not because he’s close to touching me, but because he isn’t touching me the way I want him to.

Doesn’t he realize how easy it is to wind me up? After going all this time without going the whole way, I’m feeling like a balloon ready to pop. Him touching me like this isn’t helping out any.

Squirming against him, a sigh of relief slips past my lips when he cups one of my breasts. Squeezing me through my shirt, his chest rumbles. A groan slips from my lips when he pinches my nipple and he makes sure there isn’t any room for even air to pass between our bodies.

Whilehemight not try to push, his body is far more telling. His cock is already hardening and his breathing is shifting.