“No drama for you in the ER?” Finn said.

“Oh, there is plenty of drama,” Dalton said. “Every nurse and half the patients want to sleep with him.”

“Only half?” Drake asked.

“There’s only one person that seems immune, if not hostile,” Dalton said.

But the waitress chose that moment to bring their drinks and took her time, clearly unable to decide who to flirt with more. Drake fiddled with his napkin, eager for her to leave. He wanted to hear what Dalton was going to say.

“Who could possibly find my cousin less than?” Finn smirked once the waitress was gone.

“Dr. Margo Monroe is not a fan,” Dalton said.

Just as he suspected. He took a long sip of his drink and let the harsh honey-hued liquid coat his wounded pride.

Finn just smiled and stayed quiet.

“Care to fill me in?” Dalton leveled Drake with his icy-blue eyes.

“Nothing to tell, really, but I’m curious what she said to give you that impression.”

“Only that she would prefer you work on my shift, but the director insisted she manage you.”

“Well, that’s not much to go by. Why do you think she can’t stand him?” Finn asked.

“Cut the shit. Margo likes everyone. And every woman in the hospital wants to work with him. Also, she hasn’t fallen for my charms in the three years we’ve worked together. So clearly, our boy Drake has some history with her.”

That got his attention. “I thought you two had something going on.”

Dalton laughed. “That’s another thing. Why did she want to make you jealous? She won’t talk about it.”

Relief washed over Drake. If Margo was only pretending to date Dalton, that meant she was single.

“Maybe she doesn’t date doctors,” Finn said.

“Let me guess—you’re the reason she doesn’t?” Dalton accused.

He held up his empty glass toward the waitress, who was staring at them from the bar, and let out an exhale.

“We dated in high school and college, and it ended when we went to two different medical schools. End of story. So my guess is, you’re just not her type.” Drake smirked.

“I’m every woman’s type, single and rich, but Margo has always been too focused on work to notice. Maybe now I know that you’re her weak spot, I’ll just make sure I’m the one she uses to make you jealous.”

Drake narrowed his eyes on Dalton, who laughed.

“All right, stand down. I won’t go after your girl. But you better get used to discouraging suitors. Margo’s a catch, and at some point someone is going to sweep her off her feet.”

“I don’t have any claim to her. She’s already found me lacking,” he said and polished off his second drink in two gulps.

“Maybe it was just bad timing,” Finn said, giving Drake the benefit of the doubt.

But Drake didn’t feel like debating it, and instead he stood to leave. “Thanks for the drinks, but I have a date with my pillow.” He dropped a hundred on the table. “I’m going to go home and sleep for twenty-four hours before my next shift. My new boss is a real ball buster.”

Dalton laughed. “It’ll get easier. We’ve just got you broken in. Now the real fun begins.”

Finn stood and gave him a manly hug. “Come to Sunday dinner on your next day off. Mom and Dad would love it.”

“If my next day off ever falls on a Sunday, I’ll be there.”