“Fine, and which day off would you prefer?”

“Do you give your other residents a wish list?”

Instead of schooling her annoyance, she turned with a huff.

“We’re not going to pretend you’re not already a well-established physician. Your crisis of consciousness or boredom with plastics isn’t a time machine. You can’t erase the fact that you’re a well-respected and talented plastic surgeon.”

“I don’t want special treatment.”

“And you won’t get it here, but if a burn victim comes in here with facial wounds, I expect you to use your years of training and talent to help the patient.”


“For the record, yes, I do ask all my residents if they have a preference on shifts or days off because I’m not a dictator. Everyone has a life beyond this hospital, and if I can make them happy, all the better. Happier doctors are better doctors.”

She tried to move past him through the door, but he shifted his body to fully block the exit with his broad shoulders.

“Are you happy, Dr. Monroe?”

She itched to rub at the furrowed crease in his brow, but she didn’t dare. There was an invisible force field around him made of broken promises, disappointments, and her broken heart.

“That’s not really a work-related question or any of your business, Dr. Maguire.”

With a scoff, he let her walk by.

She couldn’t help but notice his sweet, spicy scent. She would deny it, but it was impossible not to take a long inhale for old time’s sake. There was too much history between them, and only thirty minutes into a ten-hour shift and her entire body was on high alert. Drake was like the dark clouds that filled the sky before the storm hit. His energy was palpable, and if she were honest, she couldn’t stand to be so close to him, day in and day out. So she’d put him off on the second shift and let Dalton deal with him.

Drake could play god under the tutelage of another alpha male who ruled the hearts of women throughout the hospital.

Smiling to herself, she grabbed her tablet and started plotting out the staffing for the rest of the week. And on her first chance to take a break, she went to see the director of the emergency department.


“Dr. Monroe, are you here to thank me for scoring such a well-respected and highly trained physician for the ER?” Director Kelly asked.

“Actually, don’t you think he’s both over-qualified and lacking in experience needed in the emergency department?”

The director’s proud smile fell. “No I don’t, Margo. Drake Maguire graduated top of his class and has been volunteering in the local trauma clinic in LA for six years, where he has dealt with all types of emergency scenarios. Not to mention he brings years of experience from his plastic surgery pro bono work. We’re lucky to have him.”

“The truth is, I don’t think I would be the best doctor to oversee his work. I’m already managing five other residents and inundated with paperwork. I don’t think I can take on one more basically first-year resident.”

The director scoffed. “I think this is exactly the perfect addition to your application for the new deputy director of the ER.”

“What deputy director position? That doesn’t exist,” Margo said, fighting the panic in her voice.

“Not yet, but the board recently voted to approve the selection of a new deputy director in charge of all the residents in the ER, pediatrics, and trauma units.”

“That sounds like a big job and one that includes less time with patients.”

“A big job you’re perfect for. You already manage all the residents in the ER and emergency pediatrics. You would no longer need to work ten-hour shifts, and you could expand on your love of teaching.”

“I manage the residents together with Dr. Hart, and because they were basically dumped on us.”

“Dr. Hart wants nothing to do with the business of managing residents or a hospital’s recruiting program.”

“So I’m your second choice?”

“No, you’re my first choice, but I need to make sure you’re the board’s first choice. Dr. Hart’s been practicing longer than you. His military time as a Navy SEAL and medic is tough to compete with.”