The living room was cozy with a dark gray sectional, large bookshelves tucked behind the tree, and off to the left, she spied a gourmet kitchen and pulled on Drake’s hand.

“Wow, you found a home with the kitchen of my dreams.”

A massive island in white-and-gray swirled marble commanded the space. There was a large steel hood above a six-burner stove and gray cabinets accented with gold handles. Beyond the kitchen, there was another wall of windows.

“Time to check out the master bedroom,” Drake said, leading her up the stairs.

She only had enough time to take in the plush carpet and glimpse the gorgeous views before Drake had her on her back on the huge bed.

“Maybe we don’t need to make it to that party,” Drake said, as he pulled off her jeans.

“You have several hours to get your fill, then we’ll make an appearance. It’s Christmas Eve, and we have a lot to celebrate.”

“You’re so good for me,” he said.

“Don’t you forget it.”


Even after arriving an hour late to Drake’s parents’ Christmas Eve party, no one noticed because the house was full of dozens of family members, friends, neighbors, and several prominent local and state politicians.

“I didn’t realize this was going to be such a big event,” Margo said, gripping Drake’s hand as he led her through his childhood home, which was definitely a far cry from the working-class neighborhood she grew up in.

“I didn’t either.”

Every few feet, they were stopped by one of Drake’s cousins, an aunt or uncle, and everyone remembered Margo. It was such a warm welcome that any nervousness she had around so many people quickly disappeared.

They found Ian in one corner talking with his cousins, Finn and Conner.

“What is with all the Real Housewives of NoVa here tonight?” Drake asked Ian.

“Apparently, Dad has a big announcement to make,” Ian said.

“Any idea what that is?” Drake asked.

“I’m guessing retirement,” Finn said.

“No way. I think he’s running for some public office. Look at all the extra security and politicians here,” Conner said.

“Mom is still recovering, would he really do that?” Ian said.

“I think we’re about to find out.” Drake spotted their mom standing next to their dad in a flattering red dress with a big smile.

She waved them over.

“Come on,” he said to Margo.

“Oh no, I’ll stay here.”

“No way, you’re stuck with me now,” Drake said, gripping her hand tight.

“Thank you both for coming. Your father just wants to make a quick announcement,” their mom said before she gave Margo a big hug. “Merry Christmas, honey.”

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Maguire.”

“I feel like I got so many gifts this year. My boys are both home and talking, cancer free, and maybe a wedding in our future?” his mom teased them.

Ian started laughing. “Welcome to the family, Margo. There is no getting out again.”