“Margo, I realize this is a big change, but you’ve been treading water in this position, doing two jobs for Mercy, and if they don’t recognize what an exceptional physician you are, then you need to find a hospital or private practice that will value you. And I’m not moving back to Virginia just to hop in your bed and take your job. I’m moving back to be with you.”

Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Drake was calling her out on her tantrum, and he wasn’t wrong. But more importantly, he just admitted he was moving back to be with her. She could see the hurt in his eyes. She’d taken out her frustration with the board on him. Even if it was completely unreasonable, she was still mad she was losing her job to him.

“I just need some time to think about what I’m going to do with my career and my life.”

“Then I guess call me when you figure it out, but pushing me away isn’t going to give you the answers, and letting the director or the board decide your next move is not the solution.” Drake stood and opened the door. “You need to figure out what you want, Margo, and then go get it.”

Dread sliced through her. Because she might risk losing her second chance with Drake if she weren’t careful.

Chapter Twenty


The rest of her shift, Margo’s mind went around in circles. If Drake was staying for her, didn’t she owe it to herself to see where things could lead? There was no doubt in her mind she wanted Drake—she always had—but what else did she want for her life? And what if he decided to leave again in a month or a year?

At the end of her shift, she didn’t see any sign of Drake. He must be giving her the space she’d asked for. The walk home alone in the cold confirmed she’d been an idiot pushing him away. But maybe she did need some time alone, with no distractions, to think about what she wanted for herself.

She had never planned to practice ER medicine, but when the school offered half off a medical education and a guaranteed job in the ER, it had been too good of an offer to pass up. She was a good doctor, a great one. The thousands of people she had helped over the last ten years proved it. In all the years of school and resident rotations, there was one department she was drawn to.

Oncology. In school as a hungry medical student hoping to change the world, the idea of hunting for a cure for cancer had intrigued her, but in research, there was less time with patients. Then she set that aside for the realities of a job in the ER. Over the last few months, she’d had a chance to get to know some of the nurses and doctors in the Mercy oncology department when she sat with Drake’s mom during her appointments or treatments. She would pepper the doctors with questions to the point where they would send her articles from medical journals and upcoming lectures. Helping patients win battles against the devastating disease would be emotionally draining. But it would also be rewarding in a way the ER wasn’t.

Once she got home, she lay on her bed and closed her eyes. What would she do if she were given any opportunity? What did she want?

A job where she could work with patients long term.

A second chance with Drake.

It really wasn’t a long list, maybe a vacation somewhere warm. She didn’t like the idea of the director or Drake knowing she needed to be pushed into an uncomfortable scenario to stick up for herself or go after what she really wanted, but they weren’t wrong. After an hour alone, she was over it and just wanted to see Drake. It was only eight o’clock, and she knew he would still be up. He’d probably gone back to his hotel or over to his parents. She didn’t even waste time showering or changing into something cute. She shoved a few things in a bag, grabbed her keys, and whipped open her door to find Drake standing with a huge bouquet and a guilty face.

“I was debating on leaving them or texting to see if you missed me as much as I miss you yet.” He spotted her bag. “You’re not running away, are you?”

Dropping her things, she reached up and looped her arms around his neck.

“No, I was running to find you and grovel. I need to apologize for being a brat.”

“Oh, in that case . . .” His mouth was on hers, and he carried her one-handed back into her place before kicking the door closed.

She jumped off the floor to wrap her legs around his waist, and he dropped the flowers in time to catch her by her bottom.

“I guess I should buy you flowers more often.”

“Yes, please.”

His hands cupped her curves, and his fingers dug into the material of her leggings, sending a rush of heat through her. In two more strides, Drake pressed her against the wall, the cool, hard surface in complete contrast to his warm, muscular form.

His mouth moved to her neck as the tips of his fingers teased the sensitive area between her legs.

“Naked, now,” she said between kisses.

Setting her down again to stand on her own two feet, his hands pulled her leggings down as she ripped off her own shirt. Next, she gripped his jeans at the waist to unbutton them and push them to the floor, squatting in the movement. She ran her hands along his strong legs, thick muscular thighs, and then gripped his swollen cock as she stood again in front of him. His shirt was gone, and they stood facing each other, chests heaving, eyes searching.

“I’m so glad you didn’t leave me alone.”

“Well, I probably just need more remedial training. I prefer to be told what to do when it comes to you.”

“I see. Maybe if I give you step-by-step directions you have to follow, you can perform at your best.”

“It’s worth a try,” he said, as his lips pulled into a wicked smile.