“Or maybe you’re closer to getting your happily ever after than I thought. Maybe whoever gave you that love bite on your neck will give you a baby too.”

Margo’s hand flew to her neck. “What?”

“Are people still leaving marks on necks? I’ve been so out of the game I don’t even know,” Izzy said.

Margo’s cheeks filled with heat. “I need to borrow some makeup now.” She turned and headed for the door back inside.

Laughing, Izzy followed her to her room, where Margo inspected her neck. There was a faint mark, but it wasn’t as bad as Izzy made her think.

“I think it’s just a mosquito bite,” she said.

“In December? Nice try.”

Margo let out a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut before she said his name. “Drake.”

“I knew there was something going on between you two. We could all feel the vibe in that little hospital room. I told you he came back for you! But I thought you hated him for leaving and then hated him some more for coming back to work in your hospital?”

“Hate is a strong word, it’s more like I hate how gorgeous he is and that I still can’t resist his charms even after he left without a look back for ten years,” Margo said as she dabbed a little concealer on her neck.

Her sister leaned forward on the dresser where they both faced the mirror.

“Did you sleep with him?”

“No, he took me by surprise yesterday, asking about everything that happened between us ten years ago and then showed up at my door this morning. But we didn’t have much time to talk.”

Izzy nodded with a knowing grin. “Do tell.”

“I just mean, I had to get over here. But he was intent on kissing me, like he was testing the tension that hangs between us. But I think it’s probably a really bad idea to even think about hooking up with him.”

“Um, no, it is not. I vote get it on!”

“He’s only here because his mom got sick, and he wanted to play ER doctor. Once he knows his mom will be okay, he’ll be gone.”

Izzy hugged her. “Maybe you two can start over. Maybe he needs to hear a reason to stay, beyond his mom’s health and interest in the ER.”

“Or maybe too much time has passed, but we have that residual attraction of two people that used to have a thing. Like a memory.”

“Only one way to find out,” Izzy said.

The emotions from years ago raced back, and the hollow pain that always settled in her stomach threatened to consume her. Margo rarely let herself think about how different her life could be if she’d gone to UCLA with Drake.

“But I’m also currently his supervisor in the ER, and the hospital wants me to try to convince him to take a job in the plastic surgery department.”

Izzy’s eyes squinted as she studied Margo.


“If I get him to agree, it will help my application to serve as the new deputy director of resident students and recruiting.”

“Wow, would you stop practicing medicine?”

“Not totally. I’d be in charge of all the residents’ work and would still see patients, especially with the first- and second-year students. Sorta like what I’m doing now, but I’d have a title and wouldn’t also have to work a ten-hour shift.”

Izzy took her hand. “You could have a life. You’d even have time to date. And if you convince Drake to stay, you can date him.”

“I don’t want to have to convince him to stay, and even if I do, that doesn’t mean he wants to date me or that I want to date him.”

Izzy smirked as she put her hands on her hips. “It’s okay to admit you still have feelings for him and want a second chance.”