“Who would dare to knock on my door this early?” she barked through the door.

“It’s ten in the morning, Margo,” a distinct base-filled voice said from behind the door.


“What the hell?” she said, pushing her mop of thick wild hair out of her face.

“I heard that. Now open up.”

Looking down, she cringed at the ratty T-shirt and boxer shorts she had with mismatched socks on.

“Fine, you want it, you got it.” She whipped open the door only to find a distinct white bag with blue bubble lettering held out in front of his face.

“Maggie’s éclairs?” she said, reaching for the bag.

Then he held up her morning vice, grapefruit juice. He remembered. Taking both from him, she walked away from the open door and moved to sit on the fluffy indigo blue velvet couch that took over her living room, her pride and joy piece of furniture. And not just because it was the only other piece of furniture besides her bed that she splurged on and bought brand new.

Drake walked in and closed the door behind him, and his head swiveled to take in the space. What did he see in the high ceilings, old wood floors, stark-white walls she never got around to painting, and a few pieces of random art hanging?

“Very practical sofa. Is this from a Mary Queen of Scots collection?”

“Say what you want, but it’s luxurious and I love it.” She pulled out a mini designer éclair with specks of gold flakes on the chocolate icing and moaned before taking a big bite.

“Are you kidding me?” she garbled through her bite into the flaky, buttery shell of rich chocolate ganache and creamy sweet center that exploded with the crystals of coconut flavors inside.

“This feels like food porn. Do you want me to let you be alone with that?” Drake asked, walking farther into the room.

Her eyes popped open, and she gulped down her bite.

“This is the strangest dream, but it’s been so long since I’ve had one of these I’m hesitant to let it end,” she said.

“Do you dream about me often?”

“Did you want one?” She held out the bag to him, ignoring his question and resisting the urge to bite her lip, which he knew meant she was lying.

“I figured you wouldn’t want to share, so I already had one.”

He looked around more.

“This is a nice place, convenient to work.” He continued to take in every item in the open-space configuration. “I see you haven’t given up on your guitar.”

“Never. I can play two songs now,” she said before taking a bite of her second éclair.

He laughed and took a seat across from her in the wingback leather chair she’d found at a garage sale, which made him look like a king missing his crown. With his eyes settled on her, she waited for him to explain his unexpected visit.

“Is that my T-shirt?” he asked, studying the weathered and peeling letters.

“No,” she said, attempting to cross her arm over her chest to cover the words.

“Oh, so you were on the Alexandria High School swim team too?”

“What brings you to my home at such an ungodly hour, Drake? I didn’t realize we were making house calls again.”

“I wanted to talk to you outside of work and knew I’d have to just find you. I met up with my brother a couple of days ago.”

She winced and waited for him to continue.

“You came here with éclairs to tell me your relationship with your brother is better?”