Page 9 of Love and Order

After wrapping up the rest of her meal, she stowed it in the mini fridge hidden in a cabinet and chose a box at random. Comfortable with the quiet, she slipped into her own thoughts, but focusing on the contents of each document proved to be much more challenging with Finn’s muscular form only a few feet away. It wasn’t like he was the first attractive guy to work at the firm. Just the nicest, she was surprised to admit.

Most of the rookie lawyers that passed through the firm were cocky, and self-assured to a fault. Until now, she’d avoided getting to know Finn, assuming he would be the same way, or worse, but it was already clear he was disciplined, thoughtful, and a good teammate. It surprised her and would make it more difficult to write him off as the competition.

After only a day partnered with him, she was less intimidated by his connection to the other owning partner of their firm. But his previous life as a SEAL was impressive. It proved his commitment and dedication. The fact that he was nice didn’t give her any edge. He was relatable where she could be aloof. Aside from one misspoken word in court, which caused the discovery avalanche, he was poised and charismatic—both great qualities for a successful career in law.

His charm had already worked on her as she wondered if maybe they could work as a team to win the case. Initially, she hated the idea and assumed he would try to mansplain things and bulldoze over her to run the case, but he was too nice to be an arrogant rookie lawyer. In fact, he was almost bashful in his approach on the case so far. Unless he was fooling her and planned to double-cross her later.

From her experience, it was totally possible that Finn was just using her to help him win the case and partnership, even if that was completely out of character for him. She needed to give the partners a reason to choose her over him and not get distracted by the attraction that hung between them. She had worked too long to let her guard down now or let another more junior lawyer take the partnership from her.

The disappointment last year when they selected a junior partner from outside the firm forced her to consider options at other firms. Every big city was filled with cutthroat firms, but back in Virginia Beach, she still had a few connections with several of her professors’ firms. If there was one thing she always had, it was a backup plan. It was well known that if a rookie didn’t make partner by their fifth year, they were basically invited to find work elsewhere. So this was her last year at Baxter and Stewart if she didn’t win.

Chapter Three


Alittle afterone in the morning, Finn couldn’t focus on the documents in front of him anymore. He’d cracked the coded paragraphs but they had no idea what it all meant. Meanwhile, every few minutes, he would find himself sneaking looks at Hailey’s legs, her profile, or her blonde hair piled on top of her head with a pencil. A few strands floated around her and glowed in the light.

“Alright, I vote we each get a few hours of sleep and finish in the morning,” he said, breaking the silence.

A yawn escaped her pert mouth, and her eyes looked red. He felt bad for keeping her up; not everyone had developed a keen ability to work without sleep. She looked at her watch and pulled out her phone while he grabbed his things and pretended not to watch.

“I’ll drop you off,” he said. He knew she didn’t drive to work. He’d spent the last two years picking up little bits of information about her, but most of her life remained a mystery.

“Um, I’m good. Just pulling up a car service I usually use when it’s late.”

The app on her phone looked like it was searching for a driver.

“Hailey, please let me take you home. If you don’t, then I’ll be forced to sit here until a car arrives and worry you didn’t get home safe. Then I won’t get any sleep, and I’ll be cranky tomorrow.”

“The horror,” she said, tossing her phone in her bag and picking up her shoes. “Fine, sleep wins. But it’s going to be a little out of your way.”

“How do you know where I live?” he said, following her out and securing the conference room with all their evidence and case notes safely locked away.

“I do my research.”

“Clearly.” He liked the idea of her collecting bits of information on him.

Once they were in his car, she rattled off an address in Alexandria, in the main thoroughfare of the city known as Old Town. He was raised in the suburbs of Alexandria but was familiar with the historic downtown. Some streets were filled with shops, other blocks looked like low-income housing, and then there were rows with large, beautiful brownstones. He pulled in front of a coffee shop and parallel parked, then realized she’d fallen asleep.

“Hailey,” he said softly. He wasn’t sure if he should nudge her, but she was deep in sleep. Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch when he gently nudged her shoulder.

“You live in a coffee shop?” he asked.

“I live in an apartment above,” she said with a sleepy voice.

“Hence the coffee and treats you bring for the paralegals.”

She shrugged. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you at six?”

“Let’s make it six thirty, and I’ll pick you up to save time,” he offered.

“No, but thanks.”

“I’m not being chivalrous. I live ten minutes away. You can get the coffee, and I’ll swing by here on my way back to the office.”

She huffed.

“You’ll be doing me a favor because we both know between now and six-thirty you’re going to figure out something from what we read tonight, and we can brainstorm on the car ride.”