Page 36 of Love and Order

“Yes, and it’s working. Yesterday, my son said all the kids at school were talking about how his mom probably has a red room. Then he asked what that was. I am humiliated. Maybe I should just cut my losses and let him buy me out.”

“Mrs. Tovar,” Finn said, “you can obviously do what you think is best, but we would counsel you against attempting to sell to your ex. For one, I’m guessing your teenage son was less embarrassed than you’d expect, but I do see how this is awkward. If you even hint at an option to sell to your ex, he will fight you for sole ownership even harder, and not pay you a dime. He already claims the company is his. Now is the time to toughen your resolve and not show any weakness.”

She exhaled and sniffled over the phone. “He’s trying to disrespect me in our community and put a wedge between me and my son. I built this business from scratch and enjoyed the anonymity of quietly creating my own independence away from my terrible choice for a spouse. He always threw in my face that he supported my lifestyle and could easily take it away. My business was my escape from a toxic marriage. And now he’s using it to shame me.”

“Mrs. Tovar, there is nothing wrong about a woman enjoying pleasure, with or without a partner. There is nothing tawdry or shameful about your business or you. You developed it into a huge success, and it’s yours to give away if you think that is the best path. But that won’t buy back your anonymity. That’s gone. We can shut down this bogus sale and advise the court, but your secret is out. Now you get to decide whether you want to hold your head high and fight for it.”

Finn smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. She was passionate and right. Mrs. Tovar’s husband had no legal claim to her company.

She huffed over the line. “I didn’t want our son to know. I know my ex will try to turn my son against me.”

“Talk to your son. I was a tween boy once, and it may surprise you how he’s processing all this. Chances are, he doesn’t care about the products you make, and he’s lost respect for his dad,” Finn said.

“I have to say, in our state, your son will soon be old enough to choose who he wants to live with and how often he wants to see the other parent. It’s clear you share a much stronger bond with your son than your soon-to-be ex-husband. I realize that isn’t what you’re after, but your son might feel relieved to know he can choose to stay with you. Empower him to know he doesn’t have to be used as a pawn,” Hailey offered.

“Okay. I’ll speak to my son and see you both in court Monday. Thank you.”

“Just call anytime this weekend if something else comes up. We’re ready to fight for you, Mrs. Tovar, and that’s our plan until you say otherwise,” Hailey said.

“I’ll let you know if anything changes. Bye.”

The phone disconnected, and they both let out a deep breath.

“You were really good with her. I think she needed that push to stick up for herself.”

Hailey nodded. “So we have two pieces to file with the court by three today for inclusion in our pre-trial hearing on Monday. Which do you want to do?”

“I thought you said you already had that cease and desist drafted.”

“Technically, I do have a blank order open at my desk,” she said with a quirk of a smile.

“Well, well, well, maybe you’re as tired as I am today and not quite as fast as I thought with drafting torts.”

“I didn’t see that story until I arrived, and that was only after Mrs. Tovar texted to ask if I’d seen it.”

Finn couldn’t help but laugh. “And here I thought you were so hardcore that you’d woke up, put on your superhero cape, found the story, drafted the court order, all before your first cup of coffee,” he teased and walked closer but stopped short of touching her.

Her eyes were lit with humor, but she fought the smile that pulled at her sweet, lush lips.

“Don’t look at me like you’re the big bad wolf getting ready to eat me.”

He closed the space between them so his suit brushed against her chest but still didn’t break her rule. “I don’t know what you mean, Ms. Adams. I was just admiring your ability to manage this case.”

She let out a deep breath before biting her lower lip.

“You handle the cease and desist. I’ll take on notifying the buyers that Pleasure Inc isn’t for sale.” She said.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t better prepared this morning, but happy to know I wasn’t dragging you down.”

“Nope, just falling into my trap. Always get to the office before your competition,” she said, poking his chest with her finger.

“Let’s get lunch after we file these torts with the court,” he offered.

Her eyes narrowed.

“I mean a working lunch, discuss our tactics for court on Monday. Or we could swing by my mom’s office,” he backtracked.

She stepped out of his reach and pulled out a chair in the conference room.