Page 32 of Love and Order

“They like to try to convince me to rejoin the team,” he explained.

“Would you?” she asked. Her heart dropped. The idea of him being in harm’s way bothered her, but she wasn’t ready to admit that to anyone.

“No, barring a World War III scenario, the team doesn’t need me. I’m happy with my decision to retire my trident, but I do miss it sometimes.”

Feeling eyes on her, Hailey found Cozmo checking out the scar on her bicep when he returned to their table with more beers.

“Hey, bad girl, I got one of those.” He pulled up his sleeve to show a gash in his lower shoulder. “From a bayonet in Afghanistan, an old ass weapon but still very effective.”

She cringed. Then Dalton pulled up the side of his shirt to reveal a burn on his side the size of her hand.

“Mortar shrapnel.”

“You don’t have to compare injuries with these idiots,” Finn said.

“What about you? Did you ever get hurt on duty, golden boy?” she asked.

Suddenly, she needed to know if he’d ever experienced the searing physical pain that followed when your flesh was stabbed or burned, and the painful elements of recovery. Besides their law degrees, did they have anything else in common?

Up until recently she’d put Finn in the same category as all the other rookie lawyers with fancy degrees and family pedigrees. Granted, he’d served his country and on arguably one of the most elite military teams, but they were still from different backgrounds. But there was something about knowing someone had lived through the kind of hurt and pain that resulted in scars like the ones she had. It made her feel less alone. She was struggling to keep Finn at arm’s length, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

Finn took a long pull of his beer before answering. His eyes held a challenge.

“I was shot three times in the leg in Syria. There was no field hospital in sight. Dalton patched me up, and we had to wait a day for our rescue before I was flown to Germany. But I’m not dropping my pants in the bar to show you.”

“So golden of you, Maguire. Once again,” Cozmo complained. “You get an invitation by a beautiful woman to drop your pants, and you’re too bashful to take advantage of it.”

Laughing, Hailey picked up her beer and took a sip. She never spoke about what caused her scars, but they had all so easily offered up what she was sure were dangerous and violent incidents that left them with scars. It might be nice to be open and honest. She could tell they weren’t going to think any less of her for it. It was like a camaraderie she didn’t know she needed, but maybe Finn had guessed and that was why he invited her tonight?

She held up her arm to show the long gash along her bicep. “Fireplace poker the first time he stabbed me with it. Then he heated it up to singe the wound closed. He didn’t want to have to explain to the social worker what happened if he took me to the hospital.” She ran a hand over the gnarled skin.

Finn’s jaw flexed, but Dalton spoke first.

“You just give us a name, no questions asked.”

And she believed him, but she shrugged it off.

“He’s dead. The next kid he tried to mess with had already had enough scars and fought back,” Hailey said.

“So it does make sense that you and Finn would get along. Two survivors of war,” Cozmo said, breaking the silence. “He ever tell you about the time he got stuck in a cave?”

“Were you the one who found him?” she asked.

Cozmo’s eyebrows lifted dramatically before he looked to Finn, and something passed between them.

“Yes, he’s lucky I’m half fish,” Cozmo finally said.

Her stomach grumbled, and she checked her watch; if she didn’t have something soon, her insulin would drop. As if he could read her mind, Finn piped up.

“You wanna get a bite to eat before these guys really embarrass me?” His hand moved to gently settle on the small of her back right before a group of women accidentally bumped into her.

His touch steadied her, but her body was pressed against his, and the feel of his warmth and muscular strength sent shivers of desire over her.

“I think I actually better call it a night.” She set down the unfinished beer and grabbed her sweatshirt. “It was nice to meet you all. If you ever need a lawyer, look me up.”

The guys all said good night, and Finn followed her out the door. On the street, they were met by the quiet of late evening and a cool breeze.

“I’m glad you came tonight,” he said.