Page 28 of Love and Order

“Yes, I can work well with others, and I’m mentally and physically strong, but so are you. I suspect we’ve both had to fight for our lives in different ways—only I had weapons.” He took a step toward her. “You’re a true survivor, and a brilliant lawyer.”

“You really think so?” she asked in a moment of self-conscious weakness.

“Without a doubt,” he said with no hesitation.

His eyes were disarming, and the butterflies in her stomach were like a herd of elephants. A shiver ran up her arms, and her cheeks heated. The intensity of his eyes forced her to accept he wasn’t playing a game. Or if he was, he was a master and she was losing.

A smile spread on his face. “Now, Little Miss Sunshine, what did you discover in these books while I was glad-handing?”

Taking a deep breath, she set the load on the table and whisked off her blazer. Her body was hot, and her hands were clammy.

“Okay, I did find something, I think.” Picking up the largest book, she popped it into the crook of her arm and then realized the irreparable error she made.

She’d forgotten today, of all days, she had worn a short sleeve blouse under her blazer—a top that exposed a jagged scar along the inside of her bicep. An injury inflicted on purpose by a foster parent that had no business taking care of kids. She had several other old mementos left on her skin from her years dealing with other foster care kids, rough schools, and adults that used physical punishments to gain control. These scars were ugly and one of her most guarded secrets. She found Finn’s eyes on her. He stood with his arms hanging stiff at his sides, fists clenched, and his jaw locked tight.

She knew the shape and lines of the ugly scar made it abundantly clear she’d been burned.

“Do not pity me. I’m fine.” She set down the book and picked up her blazer to put it back on.

“I won’t pity you if you stop hiding from me. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but you don’t need to be so guarded. I won’t judge you or screw you over,” Finn said with a calm tone she couldn’t help but believe. “You don’t need to cover them either. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“You should use that tone in court. You could convince anyone of anything.”

“I mean it, Hailey, but just promise me you’re safe now.”

“It all happened when I was a kid. I’m as safe as you, minus your warrior skills.”

He nodded and then pulled out his military-issue glasses, and she couldn’t resist the humor that bubbled up when this tough, ripped, former SEAL put on dorky, thick black plastic glasses.

“Did you just laugh at me?” he asked with a grin.

“No, I would never. It’s just that those glasses are so unique.” She reached up and adjusted the frames that did nothing to disguise his handsome face.

“Someone broke mine last week. You’ll have to try to resist me with these chick magnets on.”

Another bout of laughter struck her, but if she had to guess, most women wouldn’t turn him away even with those glasses on. Instead of insanely hot, with the quirky glasses, he looked playful but still gorgeous.

“I’ll do my best,” she said, trying to ignore the desire rising up her body in the form of another blush.

By seven p.m., they’d found a case law that supported a spouse’s use of joint funds to start a private, individually owned company. Moreover, if it was incorporated, it was protected from joint distribution in divorce. Before she could suggest they order dinner, Finn looked at his watch, and the side of his mouth scrunched up. It was his subtle tell that meant he needed to be somewhere else. She’d learned to pick up on a person’s body language at a young age. It told her when someone was going to yell, lash out, and when she should run.

“Hot date tonight?” The words slipped out before she could think twice.

“Not a date, more like an appointment. Do you mind if we call it a night? I can work later tomorrow.”


Finn paused and studied her.

“Actually, why don’t you come with me?”

Before he could explain the invitation, she responded with her standard response when any man at work asked her out.

“No, thanks. I have plans too.”

His movements stilled, and he didn’t speak until she met his gaze.

The look of disbelief on his face almost made her cave.