Page 15 of Strictly Off Limits

“On this new high-speed stationary bike my dad got and never used so I took it.”

“At your house?”

“Yes, why?”

“Just finish up so we can go,” he said, exiting his car and walking across the street. He let himself in her gate and took the two steps up to the front door in one stride before knocking.

“Uh, did you just knock on my door?”

“Yes. Catch up, Paletti. It’s time to go.”

The phone clicked, and all he could hear was the thump of pop music inside. Then before he could knock again, the music cut off, and she opened the blue door, her cheeks flushed, hair piled high and her gorgeous sun-kissed midriff showing in the space between her blue sports bra and matching fitted leggings.

“Wow, you look great. You don’t even need to bother changing.” He opened the storm door.

A smile tugged at her full lips, and she wiped at the sweat glistening on her forehead.

“Ew, I’m all gross.”

“Nah, you look super hot.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

Stepping back, she opened the door wider, and he considered it a win.

“You don’t have to use your lines on me. This is a forced business relationship.” She crossed her arms and focused on what he was holding in front of him like a child taunting a bigger kid with the toy they wanted. “What’s in that bag?”

He smiled big while glancing around her quaint, if not small home, careful to keep an eye on her in case she made a move to take the bag.

“A gift for you,” he said, meeting her eyes again. Just as she reached for the bag, he pulled it out of reach. “If you come with me.”

“A bribe then, not a gift.”

“You’ll find it worth your while.”

Walking farther into the light gray living room on worn wood floors, he watched as she grabbed a towel off a very fancy stationary bike. The bike sat right outside her living room, where he suspected a small dining room table would normally sit.

“I love what you’ve done with the place.”

The Bohemian feminine vibe in her home was comfortable. The room was long and narrow, but she had expertly used every inch: built-in white shelves to hold a TV, books, knick-knacks, and family photos. Another wall with artistic colorful prints hung over an emerald-green velvet couch. A leather armchair with a matching footstool sat in the bay window that jutted out on the front of the house. Beyond that was a smartly organized modern kitchen.

“Thanks. Dining room tables are overrated,” Hannah said.

“You’ll likely use the bike far more. How was your date last night?”

Her eyes met his and looked guilty, but of what? Maybe her date wasn’t as charming as she thought. Or maybe there was no date.

“Where are we going?”

“Not a very subtle way to dodge my question, but we’ll revisit it. As for our date, I think you need to see it to understand the potential. Just grab your stuff.”

“I’m not going anywhere all sweaty. You’re going to have to wait while I get a shower.”

“I can do that.” He took a seat in the plush armchair, careful to keep the cakes out of her reach.

“No snooping.”

“Afraid I’ll find your secret stash of old high school yearbooks where you drew hearts around my picture?”