Page 9 of Love Puck

“Uh, actually, you are the easiest person in the world to get along with,” Trey stuck in, and I chuckled.

I turned to him and shook my head. “Depends who you ask, I guess.”

We all laughed at that, and I hoped the conversation would end. Or at least change.

“You and Jillian seemed to be getting along,” Trey said, but this time I didn’t turn around.


This time I was ninety-nine percent sure I’d jump into the lake and swim for shore.

“Would you shut it?” Beau cut in, and I was grateful.

“What? I’m just saying—” Trey started explaining but Beau jumped in.

“I know what you’re saying. But maybe he doesn’t want to talk about—her.”

Trey huffed loudly. “I thought this was supposed to be a bonding opportunity. If we don’t talk about the difficult stuff, then how are we supposed to bond?”

Beau sighed and said, “We talk about everything else. And if Cash happens to bring—that situation up—then we talk about it.”

Trey’s voice lowered. “Everyone’s thinking it. We might as well address the elephant in the room. My therapist says avoiding shit only makes things worse. We should always look the elephant directly in the eye and deal with it.”

Beau’s tone changed on a dime. He was pissed off. “You can’t force people to share their feelings. Give him a minute to—”

Oh, fuck me.

“You guys, I’m good. Jesus, that was—” I stopped myself for a second to think about how long ago that stupid show had been on. Fuck. Years. Two? Three?


A long fuckin’ time.

I filled my lungs with air and thought.

I thought about how it could be possible for my heart to still feel so—raw, even after all this time.

I thought about how it felt like Jillian had just given Stuart the rose. And left me in the dust.

But that was fucking years ago.

And here I was.

Still here.


I hadn’t even dated since then. Not including my fake relationship, that is.

I was fucking pathetic.

Jillian had made it abundantly clear that she didn’t want me.

Not for anything more than a good fuck and great orgasm.

And here I was.

Waiting in the wings like she’d change her mind at any minute.