Watching crappy movies.
So everything and…nothing.
I rub at the ache in my chest, my heart doing that Nova thing again—squeezing, rolling over—and make my way to her, snagging her hand before she can sit down. “What are you doing?” I growl.
Growling at her.
Probably not the right move when I want her to stay forever.
She frowns up at me. “Ella and I are getting a drink.”
“Here?” I ask.
Her frown deepens and she makes a show of looking around. “I mean, is your name on this table?”
“No,” I snap. “I’m sitting there.” I look over at Ella. “Withyourbrother.” I look back at Nova. “And you two are going to sithere?”
“Have you ever heard of girl talk?” Nova asks sharply.
“Have your girl talk later,” I tug her toward me, drawing her away from the table and back to mine.
This makes Ella cackle, but she doesn’t argue, just picks up her purse and follows us, slanting a look at Nova. “Sure you need to have that existential crisis?”
Nova glares at her. “Shut up.”
I don’t know what that’s about.
I just know that she lets me nudge her down onto my stool at the table.
“No, no!”Nova says with a laugh, her cheeks flushed, four honey rosemary mules in. “That’s too much. The whole thing is going to taste like soap.”
“Can’t taste any worse than the vodka itself,” Knox says, tossing back the drink he’d dumped a shit ton of rosemary simple syrup into.
Then almost immediately gags.
I bust up, Leo alongside me. Riggs shakes his head, and Ella just sighs and shakes her head. “I can’t say you didn’t warn my idiot brother, Novs.”
“God,” Knox wheezes, downing a glass of water. “That’s foul.”
“Yup,” Ella says. “Because you’re the dumbass who doesn’t follow directions.”
Knox glares at her. “You’re just testy because I broke the doorbell of your Barbie dollhouse fifteen years ago.”
“Hey”—she pokes him—“it’s more like twenty, old man.”
I snort.
Nova giggles and goes back to what she was doing before Knox sent this off the rails, like usual—making more mules.
Knox likes to make trouble.
Leo is quiet, but confident, charming the servers, but always aware of his surroundings.
Riggs is focused, as usual.
But tonight he’s focused on Ella, whichisn’tusual, and given the look in his eyes, theinterestin them, this is going to spell trouble for my already beleaguered locker room.
“And,” Ella goes on, “it wasn’tjusta dollhouse. It was my Barbie Dream House and you ruined it.” She lays the back of her hand on her forehead. “Oh the humanity.”