She shrugged. “I mean. Girl, you out here suggesting crafts to a grown ass man to spend Valentine’s Day. Like funk it up and do some naked body art.” She pointed at me. “Now that would be erotic and well worth the night.” She sat at the edge of my bed. “In fact, when I get a man, that’s what we are doing.”
“I could see that.” I held up a yellow dress. “What do you think about this?”
“He’ll rip you out of it with his teeth.” She wagged her head. “I approve.”
“Exactly what I need. One of his gifts will be waiting below.”
“So…” she snickered. “Your ass wants to color, and then hand him your bare coochie? Her arms crossed over her chest. “I am confusion. You seem like two separate people right now. A meek and humble kindergarten teacher and a dominatrix. But if that’s what you’re going for—sweet in the streets, freak in the sheets. Mission accomplished.”
Before I could dispute her claim, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. An unknown number. I hesitated before answering. I didn’t have time for the robocalls.
“Ms. Thompson?”
I eyed Lauren and bit my lip before responding, “This is her.” With my parents divorcing, the house on the market, and the number of unknowns. A phone call could have been anyone or anything. My jaw tensed as I listened for an indication of what it was.
“This is Mrs. Albright…”
My eyes stretched wide, and I rushed to my desk. I shuffled through my drawer for a pen and notepad.
“Mrs. Albright, hello. How are you?” What did you say to the VP of the finance company you desperately wanted to work for?
“I’m doing well. Is now a good time to talk?”
I replied with a resounding, “Yes, perfect time.” Although I didn’t have long before Chaz would pull up. He’d understand.
“I won’t take too much of your time, I know it’s a special day for many, and I have plans too. But before HR reached out I wanted to extend a congratulations to you. Be the first to tell you we are very interested in you joining us after graduation. I hope that the package we’ve pulled together will be sufficient. And if it is not, I encourage you to tell us what it’d take to get you here.”
I should have jotted something on the notepad. Asked questions. Thanked her. Made a single sound. A little peep to let her know I was still on the phone.
“Ms. Thompson?”
“Sorry.” I stared at the blank page. “I’m honored. A little speechless I suppose. Thank you. I’m looking forward to receiving the details.” I could have given her a response. A hearty, “Hell yeah I’m coming.” But I didn’t want to sound desperate.
“Great, well enjoy this day, and we’ll be speaking.”
Lauren didn’t need my recap of the phone call. She was ear hustling real hard. And congratulated me as soon as the call ended. “What a day.” She covered her mouth. “What a fucking day. Girl, you got the job.”
Her arms flung open, and she pulled me into her chest.
“I’m shocked.”
She pulled back and asked, “For what? You know your shit. Have a lot going for you, and more to offer. Girl, this is it. We are about to be out in the world stacking cash, traveling, living life.”
“We are.” I felt a tear forming in my eye. “I’m beyond excited.”
She frowned. “Could have celebrated with us tonight, but I’ll let Nia know we are taking you out tomorrow.” She walked toward my door. “Now get dressed.”
The lace panty set looked amazing, the yellow dress over it did what it needed to do. And my face, hardly needed any makeup because it was still glowing from the phone call with Mrs. Albright. I did make my lips pink, covered them in a glossy shine—ready to pucker up to Chaz. I couldn’t think of any other response to my news he’d give me than wanting to kiss the hell out of me.
I bounced around the kitchen waiting for him to arrive. And when he did, with a bouquet of beautiful red roses, I wanted to divulge the news. But the way he stared at me, pulled me into him, kissed me hard and slow before I opened my mouth—I let it all happen. Took it all in and giggled when he said he wanted to rip the dress off me.
“Lauren thought you’d say something like that.” I rubbed his chest, down each of the buttons of his white shirt. Tugged on the end of his tie and winked. “And this could come in handy when we make it back here later.”
“Well let’s hurry this up so we can get back.” He nudged me out of the door with his hand on my lower back.
But when we got in the car, as he drove across town, I couldn’t hold the news any longer.
“Chaz.” My voice felt like it was bubbling over. “I have amazing news.”